Closer to Nature: The UAP Diliman Chapter and “The Architects For Adventure”

Friday, December 3, 2010

With so much talk of “Green Architecture”, “Green Building”, “Sustainability”, and the like, it’s time to take a closer look at what the said advocacies are for, or simply what we are trying to save. Last November 28, 2010, Members of the Diliman Chapter, together with “The Architects For Adventure” (a group of UAP Architects who indulge in and encourage physical activities and nature trips), travelled to Anilao, Batangas to enjoy nature’s aquatic wonders and evaluate the present condition of the famous dive spot. It was a leisure trip, but the group was further educated on how to enjoy natural attractions without destroying it. It gave them a much clearer view of how Architecture affects the rural landscape (and seascape, as well).

Going back to the basics will surely lead to the advancement of all “Green” Advocacies.


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