The Diliman Chapter “Relaxes” with the rest of the A4 Chapters at the UAP District A4 “Wellness Conference”

Friday, December 3, 2010

It was time for the Annual District Conference of the UAP District A4, and District Director Arch. Don Magcale cooked up something different. It had the same ingredients: Camaraderie, Fellowship, & Unity. But this one was less hectic, very casual, and definitely relaxed. Dubbed as “The UAP District A4 Wellness Conference”, it provided the District’s members with lots of pampering and some well-deserved TLC: from massages to steam baths; from jet tub sessions to a rich buffet. Held at the Getaway Spa in Sgt. Esguerra, Quezon City on November 27, 2010, it served as a “reunion” of the Five Chapters’ Members. The Diliman Chapter filled the slots allotted to it, and mingled with rest of the participants.

The day was laid back and light… and everyone was definitely “de-stressed”.


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