Degree & Profession Offers International Award for Graduates

Friday, January 7, 2011

Heritage and Intercultural Dialogue:
the role of the young generations for the development of the society through creativity, technology and traditional knowledge

Florence, Italy – December 15, 2010 - Degree & Profession launched the Florence World Festival that will open in Florence on the 16th of February 2011 in the Life Beyond Tourism® Auditorium al Duomo (Via de’ Cerretani, 54/r) and it is a unique chance for students to gain international recognition and to connect directly with professionals and experts from all over the world,
This year the Festival will be focused on the Heritage and Intercultural Dialogue and the role of the young generations. The topics discussed will focus on architecture, preservation of cultural heritage, civil engineering, restoration, urban planning, design, fashion, visual art and tourism.
         The Festival provides also a competition for young graduates that have the opportunity to present of their own graduate theses in front of an audience of experts and professionals and the opportunity to win the Life Beyond Tourism Award of 2.000€. Other prizes include 3 medals offered by the President of Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano.
         “Winning the ‘Life Beyond Tourism Award’ during a previous Degree & Profession - Florence Festival was a part of a dream of mine,” said Sofia Mavridou, a previous winner. “The Florence International Expo is a very interesting event for meeting professors, companies, making friends and exchanging ideas about our interests and about life in general.”
The Festival is part of the project Degree & Profession that includes the  annual Virtual Expo, an online database in which graduates can upload their Master’s theses or degree projects to gain international visibility with employers and companies on the website
          Degree & Profession is a project promoted by the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation, a non-profit organization which seeks to stimulate intercultural dialogue among youth. The foundation also promotes International Regional Festivals around the world throughout the year to establish regional networks among students, graduates and professionals.

For more information, please contact:
Chiara Gomiselli - Promo Florence Events
Organizing Office for Romualdo del Bianco Foundation
Tel: (+39) 055 285588


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