The First Badminton Night of the UAP Diliman Chapter : A Collaboration with the “Architects for Adventure”

Monday, January 17, 2011

The UAP Diliman Chapter is truly composed of well-rounded individuals : a group that not only concentrates on academics and the professional concerns, but also on fitness and health. The Chapter has been consistently present at and supportive of “wellness” activities like the UAP’s Fitness Nights, which featured Hip Hop Abs, Yoga, Social Dancing, and Kickboxing.

Upon the invitation of the “Architects for Adventure”, the Dilimaners organized its Badminton Night, held at Power Smash in Makati, last January 10, 2011. It gave the Chapter’s members the chance to show off their sports skills. Making new friends in the process. It was tiring, yet stress-free… a gratifying experience. With that said, the UAP Badminton Night will surely be a regular event.


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