1st Sustainable Building Technology Conference

Sunday, October 24, 2010

This coming November 11 and 12, three of the most respected organizations in the country are bringing you another first. The Philippine Constructors Association (PCA) and the Philippine Society of Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigerating Engineers (PSVARE) have teamed up with the Philippine Green Building Initiative (PGBI) for the country’s 1st Sustainable Building Technology Conference.

With the theme “The GREEN Dream: Tomorrow’s Technology, Today”, this two-day conference will be held alongside the two biggest industry events, PHILCONSTRUCT 2010 and HVAC/R PHILIPPINES 2010, at the SMX Convention Center. Its primary aim is to unite the different industries in accomplishing the national framework for climate change through educating professionals, paving the way for the development and implementation of green building technologies. It will be the only annual conference specifically dedicated to the full realization of energy efficiency and sustainability in the Philippines.

Our keynote speaker is the world guru in green architecture, Karan Grover. A pioneer in the field of green building and design, Grover has gained recognition for his revolutionary work, leading the US Green Building Council to honor him with the Platinum Award for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) in 2002 – the first architect in the world to gain such distinction. Among the topics that will be discussed in the conference are: the Science of Green Building, the Need for Energy Efficient Building Standards, Green Home Building, Sustainable Site & Design, and many more.

Over 200 delegates composed of architects, contractors, developers, engineers, home owners, project managers, and more will be invited to take part in this unique learning experience. As an experienced Architect, you can contribute to this cause by becoming one of the conference’s delegates. Help us recognize the contributions each of us can make and communicate the importance of protecting our natural environment.

To register, please direct your inquiries through email at heidi.abara@globallinkmp.com.
READ MORE - 1st Sustainable Building Technology Conference

Love in the time of Dengue and Tragedy

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

by Arch. Kirby Zalameda, uap

The onset of the formation of the committee for communications and information along with putting together the chapter’s journal came about the time my family and I were about to take our vacation back home. Needless to say, this is being written after a full day of going out with the family and feasting in gastronomical delights only available in Pinas.....Writing this while on vacation also placed me in a very profound vantage point to give insight in the events that surround our much celebrated founding.

Full of excitement and zeal, affected to a high degree with messages delivered by the highest personalities of our affiliation, one can’t help to be delivered to a state of anxiousness mesmerizing on things planned for architects in the UAE. Indeed the three year program to levitate our profession in the local scene in the UAE has profound effects already at this stage. It is indeed an exciting time for us.

Here in the Philippines. We have an outbreak of Dengue reaching a historical high. Scary. The news tells of how it attacks and how it affects the system. Scary to ponder that you only have Off Lotion as the first line of defense and if gets in, you’ll have to hack it with the meds and the IV. Very saddening to see most of the affected are kids.

Here in the Philippines. We’re dealing with the recent tragedy of the Quirino Grandstand-Tourist Bus hostage taking: Everything in shambles. Looking for some clear direction. The government’s investigation almost looking like a witch hunt. Too late. Embarrassed to international proportions. Tragedy. Very tragic. Lost of innocent lives. Let’s not discuss how they were lost. It’s just too tragic.

Here in the Philippines. It’s almost a year since Typhoon Ondoy and Typhoon Pepeng.

Sigh. That’s a lot to digest.

How do you go on? How do you move from these? Simple, you just do and you just have to believe in what is eternally good. You have to find your corner of strength and invest in it fully.
Our strength is in family. Our strength is in love for our family. It is the very reason why we are here. Then we are gifted with a persevering love for our profession. That uncanny sense
of betterment, always on a striving for perfection mode. The long-awaited chartering has opened the gates for us, much like race gates being raised in front of eager-to-run pure-bred
stallions. Now we can run and see how fast we can go.

Don’t forget to raise your heads up high when you run. We can do this.
READ MORE - Love in the time of Dengue and Tragedy

When the Filipino Community Heeds for Help, the UAE-AUH Chapter Responds

by Arch. Dante Alba, uap

For the benefit of those who are new to the Middle East and its culture, Iftar, refers to the evening meal for breaking the daily fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan. Or a meal served at the end of the fasting day during Ramadan, to break the day’s fast. Literally, “breakfast.” Iftar during Ramadan is often done as a community, with Muslims gathering to break their fast together (extracted from www.ezsoftech.com). This is considered a feast after fasting for no food and drinks from sunrise to sunset.

In the spirit of the Holy Month of Ramadan, The UAP-AUH Chapter initiated an outreach/iftar feeding program to benefit The Light of Allah Community of its wards housed at the new Philippine Embassy/POLO office at Al Bateen. The Program was named, Eid-A-Ward and it aimed to give assistance to distressed Filipina OFW workers who are currently housed in the Philippine Embassy Offices. The Light of Allah Community sought for the support of the Filipino organizations in Abu Dhabi to reach out a helping hand in assistance to our less fortunate countrymen.

The UAP-Abu Dhabi Chapter, UAP Dubai, UAPGA Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah responded to the call and had its own fund raising drive to support the program. The members were encouraged to participate and some even sought for the help of sources outside of the UAP/UAPGA. The collected relief goods were collected and packed in the penthouse of the Eclipse Hotel in Liwa Street in Abu Dhabi and the UAP and UAPGA has proudly raised several boxes of everyday goods and cash amounting to AED 1,500.00. Grateful and smiling faces greeted the group upon entry to the courtyard adjacent to the ward accommodation. There were about 150 wards housed within the premises. Brother Ismail Sorio gathered all of his wards to greet and welcome the UAP contingent and he made a heartening speech about people helping people, he gave hope to those who are in need. Sometimes, only hope remains for these people, and we extended our helping hand, we managed to keep their spirits afloat, their dreams intact, and we can also only wish that they’d succeed in their endeavours.

The group has left the premises with a sense of accomplishment, and has partaken in the old Filipino way “bayahinan”. Surely, this will not be the first and last activity of its kind that the UAP-Abu Dhabi will involve itself into.
READ MORE - When the Filipino Community Heeds for Help, the UAE-AUH Chapter Responds

The Beginning of an Era: UAP-UAE CHARTERING

by Arch. Yvette Marie Panlilio De Jesus, uap

The Charter Presentation Rites saw the induction of 52 architects from Abu Dhabi and 93 architects from Dubai. With the swearing-in rite presided over by Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza, fuap UAP National President. The presentation of the respective chapter banners numbered 123 and 124 to Abu Dhabi and Dubai by the UAP National Executive VP – Arch. Michael T. Ang, fuap. Immediately after the pinning ceremony the respective chapter presidents, Arch. Rico B. Ado, uap, Abu Dhabi Chapter Charter President and Arch. Arny Lana, uap, Dubai Chapter Charter President, delivered their inaugural messages to the new UAP members. Arch Rico B. Ado, stressed the vision of “UNA SA Lahat 2012, Empowering the Filipino Architects in the UAE” with emphasis of the 3 years progressive vision on Unity, Nurturing, and Advocacy. As for Arch Arny V. Lana, he spoke of the challenges and expectations that lay ahead of the respective
UAP chapters. Inspiring messages was also given by UAP’s immediate past president, Arch Ana S.
Mangalino-Ling, fuap, acknowledging the efforts and sacrifices of the Filipino professional. She also recounted that the drive to facilitate the immediate establishment of a UAP chapter here in the Middle East Region was inspired through a personal experience.

The event was graced by no less than the Philippine Ambassador to the UAE, Her Excellency Grace Princesa. During the speech, Her Excellency spoke of the Filipino’s inherent assets that all Filipinos should be aware and be proud of. Continuous support in the effort to uplift our profession and continue to strive for excellence for our profession and the country. Her Excellency has also called the Filipino Architects support in her advocacy with the welfare and protection of migrant workers herein the UAE. For his part, UAP President Ramon S. Mendoza spoke of the UAP’s plans and programs for the year ahead. On the same event number of design firms
and offices in Abu Dhabi and Dubai were given special plaques of recognition for their
preferential employment of Filipino architects. These companies are Al Habtoor Leighton LLC, Teo A. Khing Design Consultants, Landmark Group, Aedas Middle East, and KEO International Consultants. A special citation was also made for Cadiz International - as being the only architectural firm owned by a Filipino. In the afternoon, the event continued with the
Induction Ceremonies for YAP’s (Young Architects of the Philippines) new set of Officers. Induction rites was presided by UAP UAE Abu Dhabi Chapter President Arch Rico B. Ado, uap. On the same account, UAP National has formally announced its recognition of YAP as UAP’s Graduate Auxilliary member, thus now called UAPGA-YAP.

Before the event concluded, Arch. Angeline Chua Chiaco, who is also a member of the Professional
Regulation Commission’s Board of Architecture, delivered her message by commending the SPLBEFLEA
examinees for their efforts in fulfilling their aspirations to become registered and licensed Filipino Architects. An inspiring closing remark was delivered by UAP and UAPGA-YAP’s founding Chairman Arch. Rico B. Ado, uap.

An approximate of 300 guests came to witness and to take part in this milestone event. A combination of Registered and License Architects and its Graduate Auxilliaries has been brought together in this event, pleasantly demonstrating the camaraderie amongst the Filipino Communities. Colleagues from UAP-KSA represented by Arch. Liyo Cefre have also graced the
event to show their support to our noble profession. Likewise, Representatives from the Filipino
Professional Groups, headed by Engr. Tony Morales, expressed their support in the Newly Chartered Chapter.
READ MORE - The Beginning of an Era: UAP-UAE CHARTERING


The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects in the Philippines, Pampanga-City of San Fernando Chapter as it launches its first Professional Social Responsibility (PSR) Program headed by Arch. Rj Mallari (Chapter President) and Arch. Jose Juco (Chairman), joined forces with the Rotary Club of Western Pampanga headed by Ed Panlaqui (President); conducted a very successful Medical and Dental Project at Batang 2nd Sasmuan, Pampanga last August 22, 2010. A total of 261 beneficiaries were treated during the affair.

“Kapag may Itinanim, May Aanihin”

The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects in the Philippines, Pampanga-City of San Fernando Chapter joined the Nationwide Tree Planting 2010, last October 4, 2010. The Chapter decided to plant 150 seedlings on three (3) Public schools here in Pampanga, namely San Isidro Elementary School, Dolores Elementary School and San Fernando Elementary School. Assisted by Administrative head of each school, teachers, students and the planters “architects” made this event a success. The Chapter aims to fulfill and support whatever course it may take to preserve Mother Earth and the natural beauty of San Fernando, Pampanga.

READ MORE - “Kapag may Itinanim, May Aanihin”


The UAP QC Elliptical Chapter held its third Board Meeting at the National Housing Authority (NHA) Executive Lounge last October 7, 2010. The largest Board Meeting for this year (2010-2011) to date was presided by 2010-2011 Chapter President Gregoria M. Mercado and attended by 14 officers and members with Mr. Francis Gili of Globe Marketing. Shown in picture from left to right are Architect Allen Victorio (Director), Architect Gregoria “June” Mercado (Chapter President), Architect Rowie Francisco (Treasurer), Architect Lorna Plata (former President), Architect Roxie Rivera (Director) with Architect Nonoy Castillo (2009-2010 Chapter Secretary) at the foreground. Other attendees were Architects Frankie Alican, Dan Cocjin, Nelia Ambrosio (Immediate Past President), Louie Nandro Vito ( Chapter Secretary), Art Rilveria (Auditor), Joven Ontina, Arnel Alvarado (Vice President for Programs).

Among the topics discussed during this meeting were facilitation of members’ attendance in District Activities, payment of Chapter Dues, Greenovation concert, Anniversary Celebration, and the Asian Green Buildings trip to Singapore and Malaysia.


A Meeting was called by Area A Vice President Arch. Richard Garcia (center) regarding the Finalization of the Consultative Meeting activities this coming October 22-23, 2010 at Thunderbird Resort, Poro Point, La Union. (L-R) Arch. Markel Luna, Arch. Mohammadsarfraz A. Uttoh, Arch. Donato A. Magcale, Arch. Richard Garcia, National VP Arch. Michael Ang, Arch. Rey Carandang, Arch. Bibs Losande, National Auditor Arch. Dondon De Guzman and Secretary General Arch. Rey S. Gabitan.


Flag Raising Rites were held at the UAP Headquarters at Scout Rallos Chapter. This Was participated by the CAMANAVA Hilaga Chapter. In photos- Arch. Russel Fatima N. Moleta, Committee Chairman of WDA ’10, UAP National Auditor Lito Soriano, UAP National President Ramon S. Mendoza, Arch. Boyet Arsenio and CAMANAVA Hilaga Chapter President Arch. Mohammadsarfraz A. Uttoh.


A Courtesy Meeting with DEPED Officials regarding the possibilities for a joint project Source funding in the implementation of UAP National Special Project- UAP ISKUL TAKUBETS. (L-R) Arch. Dennis A. Villanueva, Chair Special Project on School Toilets, Dir. Oliver Hernandez, DEPED Dir. for Physical Facilities and School Engineering Division, DEPED Asst. Sec. and Chief of Staff Reynaldo D. Laguda, UAP National President Ramon S. Mendoza, DEPED USEC Francisco M. Valera, CAMANAVA Chapter President Arch. Mohammadsarfraz A. Uttoh, Arch. Jojito Jaime S. Ubina, member, special project on public toilet and Arch. Renato A. Heray, Chair, National Special Project.

UAP and DEPED Officials interact thru dialog discussion on UAP ISKUL TAKUBETS, Funding Source, Architectural Design to include School Campus Site Planning


In celebration of 2010 World Day of Architecture, the United Architects of the Philippines, CAMANAVA Hilaga Chapter, turned over the UAP ISKUL TAKUBETS to Kaunlaran Elementary School, Caloocan City led by it’s Principal, Dr. Aileen A. Canoy. Gracing the event were UAP National President Ramon S. Mendoza and Members of the UAP National Executive Board; HCG CEO Mr. Sam Chen and Party, NELTEX Rep. Ms. Esther V. Agbuya, Chapter Members of CAMANAVA Hilaga Chapter and ABS-CBN’s Failon Ngayon Staff. The Chapter President, Arch. Mohammadsarfraz A. Uttoh stressed out in his speech that the said toilets are a strong manifestation of the UAP’s Corporate Social Responsibility, To provide and deliver a clean and healthy environment and their desire to provide a decent public school toilet facilities as part of the maintainance of the sanitation, hygiene and safety of the children who come to school everyday. He also thanked the ff. sponsors: HCG Philippines, NELTEX Pipes, Fiberlite Wall System, Steeltech, Gawa Deco Crete, AH Lords and Sons Inc. and Duraflex by American Wires and Cables.

A Blessing was conducted in the presence of CAMANAVA Hilaga Chapter Members, Guests. A certificate of turnover and acceptance was given to the end users by UAP NP Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza. This was witnessed by HCG CEO Sam Chen, Arch. Donato Magcale, Arch. Don De Guzman and Arch. Rene Heray

The Diliman Chapter at the Area A Meeting No. 2: A Side-Activity within the International Conference of Architects

With the Area A Consultative Meeting and Officers’ Training Seminar fast approaching, the Area A Officers decided to hold its 2nd Meeting within the International Conference of Architects on October 9, 2010, at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City. With a number of Area A Chapter Presidents present, including Diliman Chapter President Markel Luna, the program for the 2-day event was finalized, and tasks were assigned to the Officers.

Multi-tasking can also be productive, so it’s “all systems go” for Area A.
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter at the Area A Meeting No. 2: A Side-Activity within the International Conference of Architects

Strong Delegation from the UAP Diliman Chapter at the International Conference of Architects

Held at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City on October 8 & 9, 2010, the International Conference of Architects attracted participants not only from the Philippines, but from abroad, as well. Seminar Sessions had a successful turn-out of attendees, which included a delegation of fourteen from the UAP Diliman Chapter.

Speakers from the Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, New Zealand, and Canada presented a wide range of topics, and new Filipino APEC Architects were conferred.

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Chinese Taipei and the Philippines was also witnessed by the delegates.
READ MORE - Strong Delegation from the UAP Diliman Chapter at the International Conference of Architects

The UAP Diliman Chapter Leads UAP’s “Yoga Fitness Nights Series” Launch

After the success of UAP’s Hip Hop Abs Fitness Nights Series, Dilimaner Minnie Rosel, UAP’s General Welfare Committee Head cooked up a new regimen for Architects. On October 6, 2010, at the UAP Headquarters, the Yoga Fitness Nights Series was launched. The Diliman Chapter was there to support the new activity, together with no less than National President Ramon Mendoza, as well as members from other Chapters.

Indian Yoga Instructor Shri “Dada” Reddy was pleased to see a lot of participants as he demonstrated the basic Yoga movements. A mix of simple and complex movements, the Yoga exercises were effective in releasing the stress of the attendees, as proven by their relaxed faces when the night ended.

The Yoga series shall be held on all Wednesday Nights of October 2010.
READ MORE - The UAP Diliman Chapter Leads UAP’s “Yoga Fitness Nights Series” Launch

The Diliman Chapter Fellows and Officers Grace the “Balik-Tanaw 2010” Event

The “Balik-Tanaw 2010” was held at the Teatro Arkitekto, UAP Headquarters, on October 4, 2010. Being a Tribute to the UAP College of Fellows Lifetime Achievers, the prestigious event was graced by the Diliman Chapter Fellows (Christopher Espina, Anne Espina, Armin Sarthou, Noel Litonjua, Mike Tomeldan, & Prosperidad Luis) and Officers (Markel Luna, Mary Anne Gannaban, Albert Rosel, Minnie Rosel, & Mike Yago).

It was a pleasant experience: Nostalgic and Inspirational, and it definitely motivated the young Architects present to strive to be great achievers.
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter Fellows and Officers Grace the “Balik-Tanaw 2010” Event

The Diliman Chapter attends the Flag Ceremony; Plays Major Role in District A-4’s Symposium

The World Day of Architecture had a myriad of activities, and the Diliman Chapter was ready and willing to be of service to the Organization and the Profession. After the successful Tree-Planting Rites at the Quezon Memorial Circle, the “Dilimaners”, together with the other participants, proceeded to the UAP Headquarters for the Flag Ceremony and breakfast. Simultaneous events were taking place on October 4, 2010, but the Diliman Chapter joined in all of them, and played a major role in District A-4’s Symposium entitled “Buildings’ Impact on the Environment, Attributes of a Green Building And LEED Pre-Requisites”. Markel Luna, President of the Diliman Chapter, was the event’s emcee, while the other Presidents of the District took on other responsibilities. Not only was it a day of physical activities, but also a day for learning.
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter attends the Flag Ceremony; Plays Major Role in District A-4’s Symposium

The UAP Diliman Chapter: A “Tree-Planting Team” at the UAP World Day of Architecture Rites

The World Day of Architecture is definitely a significant event, especially for Architects. On October 4, 2010, the UAP kicked off the Special Day with a Tree-Planting Ceremony at the Quezon Memorial Circle grounds. Of course, the Diliman Chapter was there to take part in the Celebration, which was attended by the National Board, Area & District Officers, and a few other Chapters. Fifteen trees were given a new home, and this would definitely contribute in the further greening of the Monument grounds.

It was truly a successful event, as the United Architects of the Philippines was instrumental in promoting Green Architecture and “Eco-Consciousness”.
READ MORE - The UAP Diliman Chapter: A “Tree-Planting Team” at the UAP World Day of Architecture Rites

The UAP District A-4 Holds Its 5th Council Meeting Merged with Diliman’s GMM No. 3

With a lot of activities coming up, the A-4 District called on its 5th Council Meeting on September 9, 2010 in preparation for various Area, District, and Chapter Events. The immediate issue tackled was the World Day of Architecture on October 4, 2010. A Tree-Planting Ceremony at the Quezon Memorial Circle and a Symposium at the UAP Headquarters shall be part of the day’s Celebration.

The Diliman Chapter was there to provide the venue for the Council Meeting: Tony’s Grill, Sct. Rallos, Quezon City, where it was holding its 3rd General Membership Meeting for the Fiscal Year.
READ MORE - The UAP District A-4 Holds Its 5th Council Meeting Merged with Diliman’s GMM No. 3

The UAP Diliman Chapter Participates in the UAP Area A Preparation Meeting No. 1

The UAP Area A held a meeting last September 8, 2010 at the UAP Headquarters in preparation for the Area A Consultative Meeting And Officers’ Training Seminar. Led by Area A Vice President Richard Garcia, the event was graced by the National President Ramon Mendoza, District Directors, and Chapter Presidents.

Assignments were given to the Officers, wherein the A4 District was tasked to take care of Program Management for the Activities to be held in October at La Union.
READ MORE - The UAP Diliman Chapter Participates in the UAP Area A Preparation Meeting No. 1

The UAP Diliman Chapter Participates in UAP’s “Fitness Night - Hip Hop Abs” Launch

UAP Diliman Chapter Member, Minnie Rosel, who also happens to be the Head of UAP’s General Welfare Committee, organized its First “Fitness Night”, which aims to inspire the General Membership of UAP to be health and fitness conscious individuals. Hopefully, this activity, which took place on August 25, 2010, at the UAP Headquarters, would be a regular Wednesday night ritual for Architects. The Diliman Chapter gamely took part in this event, which featured “Hip Hop Abs” exercises. It also gave members the chance to interact with their colleagues in between aerobic routines. The participants, coming from different Areas, Districts, and Chapters, became one solid group, as the UAP should be. This “upbeat occasion” was also graced by immediate past President Ana Mangalino-Ling, who kept up with the rigorous pace.

It was a tiring yet fun night, but as the saying goes, “No Pain, No Gain!”

The “Hip Hop Abs” Series was held on August 25, September 1, 15, 22, and 29, 2010.
READ MORE - The UAP Diliman Chapter Participates in UAP’s “Fitness Night - Hip Hop Abs” Launch

UAP Diliman Chapter’s Execom Meeting No. 9: Participation in GAM, UAP General Welfare Committee, and The Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation, Inc. Project

Last August 25, 2010, Wednesday, the UAP Diliman Chapter held its 9th Execom Meeting at the UAP Headquarters. Being socially-aware and active in Outreach Programs, its officers, represented by Markel Luna-President, Albert Rosel-CPE Committee Director, Florencio Sebastian-Ex-Officio, and Minnie Rosel-Past President and Head of the UAP General Welfare Committee, met with members of GAM and the Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation, Inc., for its possible collaboration with the said groups on their Community Development Project. This would involve assistance in Planning and Design for a proposed Complex/Compound, which would benefit informal settlers that the Vincentian Missionaries are helping out.

Hopefully, the Diliman Chapter would be able to contribute to this noble cause, having members who are eager to lend their professional services.
READ MORE - UAP Diliman Chapter’s Execom Meeting No. 9: Participation in GAM, UAP General Welfare Committee, and The Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation, Inc. Project


Not only NGO’s, social action groups and mountaineers can celebrate a day for the environment. Architectural Organizations too can have their own tree planting activity to give back to nature.

Last October 4, 2010, The World day of Architecture was celebrated simultaneously throughout the Philippines with this year’s theme: Better Cities, Better Lives: Sustainable by Design; Sustainability and Awareness for a Vibrant Environment. Architect Patrick Tan, UAP- Davao Alpha Chapter President, spearheaded an activity that will give back nature what it deserves. The activity was held at the University of Mindanao, Matina Campus. Attendees woke up early and put on their running shoes and started the days’ celebration with a fun run. Who would have known that Davao’s technically proficient architects run with the grace of gazelles? The rich landscape of the campus gave runners a scenic view; truly nature’s vibrancy can connect to one’s soul even while on a fast pace.

After the exercise, 100 narra* seedlings were distributed, these were then planted within the school grounds. Architects and students immediately filled the allotted planting area and busily dug their holes place in a grid to give space for future foliage. Pictures were taken, after which everyone enjoyed a hearty breakfast. Socialization was at its best on the morning of World Day of Architecture. The participants were thirty- two (32) Architects and eighteen (18) Architecture undergraduates. The celebration was collaborated with PIA- Davao Setion, headed by Archt. Danilo Guevarra, together with, APO Cement as the major sponsor. ABS- CBN documented and reported the said activity.

World Day of Architecture gives emphasis for building designers to be more responsive to nature. To be more keen and knowledgeable on design philosophies and material usage. Always remember that everyone is a steward of the environment’s well- being.

"The materials of city planning are sky, space, trees, steel and cement in that order and in that hierarchy." - - Le Corbusier.

UAP San Juan Mandaluyong Chapter Attended the District A5 Balangkasan

Friday, October 15, 2010

In light of the first anniversary of the Ondoy tragedy and to help residents of disaster-prone areas like Marikina, Pasig, and Rizal, the UAP Regional District A-5 decided to host this very first Balangkasan. Themed “Disaster Preparedness of District A-5: How Prepared Are We?,” District A-5 has nine local chapters, which cover five areas: the cities of Mandaluyong, Marikina, Pasig, San Juan, and the province of Rizal. Three of these areas are prone to disasters, specifically, flooding (Marikina, Pasig, and Rizal) and earthquakes (Marikina). The District has invited several Resource Persons from different professions and government agencies. Arch. Palafox presented the situation of Metro Manila during the Ondoy tragedy, the denudenation of the riverbanks, small spillways and other situation that affected the subsiding of the flood. Before he ended his talk, he presented possible solutions that may help in the future calamities like Ondoy. Arch. Mina presented the experience of her family during the Ondoy flooding and she gave possible steps to be taken by each individual during disaster. Vice Mayor Cadiz presented the experience of Marikina City and the projects that are being taken now of his city to mitigate this kind of disaster again in the future. Engr. Landoy presented rubberized bearing foundation for earthquake proofed buildings. Capt. Mirambil presented rescue procedures during disasters and the modernization steps being taken up by the government.
Awarding of Plaques of Appreciation to the Panel of Discussants (L-R): Architects Jesus Aguinaldo, Richard Pamplena, Mila Martinez, Ronnel Tan, Malou Fernandez and District Director Felicisimo Tejuco Jr.; Philvocs Director Hon. Renato U. Solidum, Jr., phd.; Marikina Vice Mayor Hon. Fabian I. Cadiz, MD; Past Chancellor Arch. Ma. Elena C. Cayanan, fuap; Arch. Cerisse Anne A. Mina; Engr. Julius Landoy; Capt. Dante J. Mirambil and Architects Eric Ventilacion, Edison Ching Padilla, Rey Mendoza, Jr. and Edgardo Mallari.
READ MORE - UAP San Juan Mandaluyong Chapter Attended the District A5 Balangkasan

UAP San Juan Mandaluyong Chapter Attended the Davies Paints Seminar

Davies held its Paint seminar at Max’s Restaurant, Bel Air, Makati City last Sept. 9, 2010. One of UAP Chapter is San Juan-Mandaluyong who’s members attended were Architects Randy Ragadio, Jessie Batol, Alex Aguila, Burt Lumban and James de Castillo. The product demonstration delivered by most able speaker and admirable Ms. Kate are all paint products of Davies. The footages of that wonderful evening enriched our knowledge in painting industry, great tool for us in the world of design and construction. There was question and answer portion on that night and who ever win had a surprise gift.

L-R: Architects Oliver James P. del Castillo, Jessie F. Batol, Alexander M. Aguila, Virgilio G. Lumban, Mr. Paul Lorenzana of Davies and Arch. Leonardo M. Ragadio.
READ MORE - UAP San Juan Mandaluyong Chapter Attended the Davies Paints Seminar

UAP San Juan-Mandaluyong Chapter Board Meeting

The 5th Chapter Board Meeting was held at the Han-pao Tea House, Mandaluyong City last Sept. 8, 2010. Attendees were (clockwise) Architects Alex Aguila, Rina Arjona, Russell Moleta, Vina Bote, Richard Pamplena, Carmen Yatco, Gerry Yatco, Steve Estaras, Ric Afuang, Danny Alano, Alvin Canalda, Wilbert Villarina and Jessie Batol. They discussed on the following matters: 3rd GMM, 23rd Chapter Anniversary, World Day of Architecture, Special Projects, Proposed Seminars, the upcoming Area A Directors and Chapter Presidents Assembly and other matters.

The 6th Chapter Board Meeting was held at the Max’s Restaurant, Mandaluyong City last Sept. 21, 2010. Attendees were (clockwise) Architects Alex Aguila, Jessie Batol, Rina Arjona with daughter Angela, Wilbert Villarina, Gerry Yatco, Carmen Yatco, Richard Pamplena, and Vina Bote. They discussed on the following matters: finalization of 3rd GMM, 23rd Chapter Anniversary, World Day of Architecture, Special Projects, Proposed Seminars, the upcoming Area A Directors and Chapter Presidents Assembly, International Conference of Architects and other matters.
READ MORE - UAP San Juan-Mandaluyong Chapter Board Meeting

Negros AID foundation running for the BBC world challenge

The Negros Aid Foundation is a finalist for the BBC World Challenge and this is to be decided by votes--AidF has been in the forefront of providing water to those without. Let us help get them the award.

Let us help AID foundation in their quest to win the BBC World Challenge by voting for them online from september 27 up to november 12. For details on their project please see the attached link below.
many thanks.

Please vote for the Negros Aid Foundation running for the BBC challenge.


To give an idea of  their work:

www.youtube.com/watch?v= gjtm2FBiOfY
www.youtube.com/watch?v= 6MaLSqZj8Tg&feature=related
www.youtube.com/watch?v= 0ovPSSOs76U&feature=related

For those of you who may be visiting Bacolod one of these days, you may want to visit the NGO behind this technology (and other ecologically-friendly technologies). They have a demo farm in the eastern suburbs of Bacolod, on the way to Binitin. Besides the ram pump, they have a windmill, rainwater harvesting, a piggery that produces methane gas which they use for cooking, vermiculture, and organically grown vegetables. They serve meals too!
READ MORE - Negros AID foundation running for the BBC world challenge

Designing disaster resilient communities

By Joy Angelica Subido (The Philippine Star)

MANILA, Philippines - Murphy’s Law: If any thing can go wrong, it will. The epigram is especially accurate in our world that is threatened by global warming, pollution problems, and incremental population growth. With off-season storms gaining unexpected strength, or drought and soaring daytime temperatures fueling wildfires, governments, environmental planning experts and disaster-relief groups are faced with the reality that more communities worldwide are at risk.

At a seminar supported by the Thomas Jefferson Information Center, University of North Carolina’s Dr. Gavin Smith, executive director of the Center of Natural Hazards and Disasters, confirms, “The notion of trying to predict vulnerability is not a perfect science. We are going to see intensification of storms due to climate change.” But although no amount of careful planning can prevent damage brought about by more destructive natural calamities, building disaster-resilient communities should be the ideal.

“I always use ‘natural hazard’ instead of ‘disaster’ because disasters are a human construct,” Dr. Smith explains, “But at this time, climate change is a disaster. Many communities will not recover to pre-disaster conditions and we need to find a way to adapt to natural hazards.”

Read More at The Philippine Star
READ MORE - Designing disaster resilient communities

The 24th World congress of Architecture UIA2011 TOKYO Call for papers

The UIA 2011 Tokyo Japan Organizing Board is pleased to announce the 24th World Congress of Architecture,“UIA2011 TOKYO”, which will be held in Tokyo from September 26 through 28, 2011.

The Japan Organizing Board (JOB) committees, are currently preparing the Academic Program which will host public presentations during the exciting event. As a new addition to this year, Design Work presentation will be given in conjunction with the Research Paper presentations. The Board is actively seeking more students and professionals to submit their research and design works for the upcoming abstract deadline in October 31, 2010.

To promote more applicants, the committee would like to kindly ask you and your institute, to help them informing about the UIA2011 TOKYO Academic Program through any website and also posting the web-link (http://www.uia2011tokyo.com/).

For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact:
READ MORE - The 24th World congress of Architecture UIA2011 TOKYO Call for papers

UAP San Juan Mandaluyong 23rd Chapter Anniversary and Induction of New Members

The United Architects of the Philippines, San Juan-Mandaluyong Chapter will
celebrate its 23rd Chapter Anniversary and Induction of New Members on October 26, 2010, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at the New Horizon Hotel, 778 Boni
Avenue corner EDSA, Mandaluyong City.

The affair shall commemorate significant events that contributed to the success of the chapter.

With the theme for this fiscal year: “United in Advancing the Profession with Services Justified for the Membership” (UAP-SJM), the chapter is not only focusing on the services to the organization and its members but also
to the community.
READ MORE - UAP San Juan Mandaluyong 23rd Chapter Anniversary and Induction of New Members

World Day of Architecture at Cagayan de Oro

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The United Architects of the Philippines District D3 celebrated World Day of Architecture and also joined the nationwide tree planting activity as the requested by the UAP National President.

Cagayan de Oro Chapter also made acourtesy call to the governor and made a presentation of the design of the playground as requested by the governor. The  presentation also had an exchange on  the implementation of R.A 9266. Which explain to all architects on what the objectives of the R.A 9266? the governor amazed on the presentation and he also commented that maybe the United Architects of the Philippines bring the name of the waiting shade at provincial capitol since the rotary has not yet implemented their promise to work with the waiting shade.
READ MORE - World Day of Architecture at Cagayan de Oro

Fiesta Parade

The united Architects of the Philippines joined the celebration of KAGAY-ANON fiesta parade, since the UAP-Gold Chapter was the organizer of this event.
READ MORE - Fiesta Parade

AREA D3 induction

This AREA- D3 induction last July 17; 2010 at Grand Caprice, Lapasan Cagayan de Oro City was organized to formally welcome the 28 newly elected officers and also the other chapter members to be inducted. The ceremony aims to present the newly professional architects who passed the board exam recently.

The said events were participated by the cagayan de oro chapter,gold chapter, surigao chapter; butuan chapter who will also inducted as their new chapter officers. Invited guests came and had due fun. The event was fruitfully successful and blessed, afterall, the event become fun for the next program was fellowship. Everyone cooperated and gave their best to participate.
READ MORE - AREA D3 induction


The United Architects of the Philippines CAMANAVA- Hilaga Chapter signed a memorandum of agreement between Kaunlaran Elementary School, Caloocan City as the recipient of UAP ISKUL TAKUBETS last August 20, 2010. From left to right: Arch. Dennis A. Villanueva, Arch. Rafael B. Robles, Arch. Jojit M. Ubina, Arch. And Honorable City Councelor Allen Aruelo, Arch. Mohammadsarfraz Uttoh, Assistant Principal Adoracion R. Santos, DEPED Div. Supt. Rep. Greg A. Cabaduanto, Arch. Ymman Porbus, Arch. Art Del Rio and Arch. Boyet Pascual

The United Architects of the Philippines CAMANAVA- Hilaga Chapter had a groundbreaking ceremony with Kaunlaran Elementary School, Caloocan City last August 20, 2010. From left to right: Arch. Art. Del Rio, Arch. Boyet Pascual, Arch. Dennis A. Villanueva, Arch. Rafael B. Robles, Arch. And Honorable City Counselor Allen Aruelo, Ms. Rowena M. Buendia, Assistant Principal Adoracion R. Santos, Arch. Mohammadsarfraz Uttoh, Ms. Donatilla S. Gutierrez, DEPED Div. Supt. Greg A. Cabatuando, Arch. Ymman Porbus and Arch. Jojit Ubina.



The United Architects of the Philippines CAMANAVA- Hilaga Chapter had a courtesy call with ABS- CBN Chairperson Ms. Gina Lopez regarding the UAP “ISKUL TAKUBETS” and “ILOG SA PASIG”. Photo includes (From L-R) Arch. Jojito Jaime M. Ubina, Arch. Pamela N. Amador, UAP National President Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza, Arch. Dennis A. Villanueva, Arch. Mohammadsarfraz A. Uttoh and Ms. Gina Lopez.


The United Architects of the Philippines CAMANAVA- Hilaga Chapter had their Recognition and Chapter Induction Ceremonies with the Guest of Honor, Valenzuela City Mayor Sherwin T. Gatchalian. Addressing the members on the presidential table- Dist. Dir. Arch. Donato B. Magcale, Chapter Pres. Arch. Mohammadsarfraz A. Uttoh, UAP National President Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza, Area A Vice President Arch. Richard M. Garcia and Arch. Jojito Jaime S. Ubina.

5th Annual Conference on Philippine Towns & Cities

The Provincial Government of Bulacan and City Government of Malolos, in collaboration with Heritage Conservation Society (HCS), Bulacan HCS Chapter, Urban Partnerships Foundation (UPF) and the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP), is organizing the 5th Annual Conference on Philippine Towns & Cities, November 5 to 6, 2010 at the Hiyas Pavillion, Bulacan Provincial Capitol, MacArthur Highway, Malolos, Bulacan.

PTC aims to enhance civic engagement with local governments units in order to inform and guide the LGUs on the proper care and utilization of a valuable asset — built heritage resources.

Highlights this year include a briefing on the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009 (RA 10066), lecture & training on cultural mapping, heritage identification & documentation, the Lakbay Republika ng Malolos Heritage Tour and experience riding on a Karatig jeep, Bulacan Artists Art Exhibit launch, photo exhibit of bridges, Art Deco buildings & lighthouses, cultural presentation of Bulacan's Lakan Sining and case studies of selected Philippine towns & cities namely Malolos, Bulacan; Sta. Ana, Manila; Hagonoy, Bulacan & Antipolo, Rizal.

For more information, contact Dorie Soriano or Luz Regalado of the Heritage Conservation Society at (02) 5466367, (02) 3534494, (0917) 8668853, (0906) 2625631 or e-mail http://us.mc768.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hcs_secretariat@yahoo.com; Rheeza Hernandez (Bulacan HCS) at http://us.mc768.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=bul_heritage_conservation@yahoo.com, (0915) 4339438; or Arch. Osie Alfonso (Bulacan HCS) at bal2004@yahoo.com, (0917) 909768 or (02) 2380887.

The first PTC was held November 8, 2006 at the Development Academy of the Philippines, Pasig City; followed by the second conference on November 9, 2007 at the Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center, Iloilo City; third conference on November 8, 2008 in Zamboanga City; and fourth conference at Heroes Hall, City of San Fernando, Pampanga on November 6-7, 2009.

In our towns and cities, wanton real estate speculation and over-construction are often mistaken for modernization when in fact these exert devastating pressure on the historic and cultural core of many of our human settlements. As a result, a valuable economic resource – built heritage — is left to deteriorate or is thoughtlessly demolished in the name of progress. Concerted effort is imperative to protect heritage resources because these are revenue and job-generating assets that can spark economic revitalization, as the case of Vigan clearly shows.

However, there is a general lack of awareness at the local government level, which is precisely where policies should be formulated and ordinances passed to declare heritage districts and protect these as the town’s or city’s prime assets. Built heritage resources should be the core of any master plan for urban development and inner town/city revitalization. Livelihood opportunities are generated by adaptive re-use, the revival of traditional crafts for restoration work and an increase in tourism receipts.

Significantly, communities begin to feel a pride of place.

The Philippine Towns and Cities Conference is a communications campaign to influence policy makers at the local government level. Through the “Mayors’ Forum”, best practices are shared. Other stakeholders in government, the private sector and the academe are invited to participate because heritage conservation is a multi-disciplinary concern.
READ MORE - 5th Annual Conference on Philippine Towns & Cities


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Pre-school in Datu Salumay, located in outskirts of Davao City, which composed a little more than thirty (30) students ranging from four to seven years of age, lacks proper tables and benches for their classroom. Due to poverty and lack of resources, these kids walk in their bare feet without basic footwear.

The UAP DAVAO ALPHA Chapter in partnership with Philippine Institute of Architects Davao Section, represented by Archt. Danilo Guevarra, donated twelve (12) sets of tables and benches to the school along with some pairs of slippers, blankets and mosquito nets.

The City Health Office of Davao City and the local media (ABS-CBN of Davao) also contributed and offered their time and effort by providing much needed supplies and rendered necessary services towards the locals of the said area. ABS-CBN Davao gave some food and multi-vitamins for the kids while the City Health Office of Davao took some blood samples to determine if anyone is positive of dengue or malaria. Their staff also brought Agua Resigene, a water based insect repellant, upon which the mosquito nets were soaked in to ensure that illness caused by insect bites such as dengue and malaria will prevent from spreading in the village.

The group decided to adopt the community and committed to return with more help and provide basic necessities in the next coming months.

Davao Alpha Chapter PLanning Workshop 2010

The said Chapter Planning Workshop which was held at the function room of the Lispher Inn on August 31, 2010, was organized to give the members the opportunity to contribute inputs not only on the plans and programs of the group but also, to share their ideas as to what the Chapter’s vision and mission will be.

The objective of the planning workshop is to give the members the opportunity to contribute inputs not only on the plans and programs of the chapter but also for them to help formulate the mission and vision statement of the group.

The activity, which was attended by twelve (12) of the group’s members, was concluded to be a success. The Chapter’s vision and mission that will help guide the group was formulated.
READ MORE - Davao Alpha Chapter PLanning Workshop 2010


The UAP Davao Alpha Chapter turn-over and induction ceremonies which took event at Café El Gato, Rancho Palos Verdes Clubhouse located at the city’s diversion road on July 20, 2010, was organized to formally welcome the newly elected officers. The ceremony however, extended its purpose on welcoming, as well, the new architectural licensure examination board passers.

The said function was successfully participated by old and new officers alike. Invited guests came and had due fun. The event was markedly believed to be successful and productive, afterall, series of meeting prior to the event was met in preparation for the said gathering.

International Skyrise Greenery Conference 2010

The National Parks Board of Singapore, together with the International Green Roof Association, is organizing the inaugural International Skyrise Greenery Conference 2010 to be held at the National Library of Singapore on 1-3 November 2010, with the theme "Surfaces of Creativity: Spaces of Delight." The Conference will serve as a platform where international urban greenery experts from various disciplines come together with the academia, artchitects, landscape contractors, policy-makers and stakeholders to discuss the present and future trends of this growing sector.

Detailed information on the Conference may be found on its official website http://www.skyrisegreeneryconference.com/
Any queries may kindly be addressed to Ms. Debbie Tang, Project Executive, at http://us.mc768.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=debbietang@mpinetwork.com.
READ MORE - International Skyrise Greenery Conference 2010


On August 20, 2010 UAP Tandang Sora Chapter held its “PANUNUMPA 2010: Induction ng mga Officers at Bagong Members” at the Alex III Restaurant, Matalino St. Quezon City. Some of the notable guests were UAP National President Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza, fuap, VP for Area-A Arch. Armando Eugene C. De Guzman III, District Director for Area A-3 Arch. Alfred Carandang, Regional District Director for Area A-3 for Arch. Richard M. Garcia.

This has been the biggest chapter induction so far and the second largest number of inductees in the UAP statistics for this fiscal year. It was quite impressive to have with us some of the cream of the crop of the June 2010 Architecture Licensure Examination (ALE) to join the chapter and be inducted as new members namely Arch. Shamcey G. Supsup (No. 1), Arch. Joana Lisa R. Dungca (No. 6) and Arch. Nerelyn S. Montuya (No. 8).

The bliss from the immense induction celebration continued on the night of September 24, 2010 as TSC officers and members gathered again for their 1st General Membership Meeting themed as “TSC Soiree”. A fellowship night for all the members, and a night when every member signed to their unfathomable commitment to be one with the different chapter committees supporting the growth of the chapter through these years and in the years to come.

FuturArc Prize 2011 design competition

UAP-GAM has become one of the partner organizations supporting FUTURARC PRIZE 2011. As one of the support organizations of the FuturArc Prize 2011 design competition, UAP GAM was informed that the Futurarc Prize website has been launched — the competition is now on.

The FuturArc Prize was launched in 2007 by the BCI Group of Companies through its publication arm, FuturArc Journal, to generate forward-thinking, innovative design ideas for Asia. The Competition offers a platform to professionals and students who are passionate about the environment. Through the force of their imagination it aspires to capture visions of a sustainable future.

Futurarc Prize website
READ MORE - FuturArc Prize 2011 design competition

World Habitat Awards

The World Habitat Awards were established in 1985 by the Building and Social Housing Foundation as part of its contribution to the United Nations International Year of Shelter for the Homeless.

Two awards are given annually to projects from the global north as well as the south that provide practical and innovative solutions to current housing needs and problems.

Every year an award of £10,000 is presented to each of the two winners at the annual United Nations global celebration of World Habitat Day. Travel and accommodation costs are also met for one representative of each winning project to attend the awards ceremony.

World Habitat Awards
READ MORE - World Habitat Awards

Construction Week Online nominates outstanding architect

Our colleague from the UAP-UAE Abu Dhabi Chapter, Arch. Kirby Zalameda has been nominated as one of the outstanding Architect of the Year by one of the leading construction-forum/ magazine Architect/ Construction Week On-Line. His achievement would certainly continue to inspire the core group of the newly organized UAP-UAE chapter.

Construction Week Online
READ MORE - Construction Week Online nominates outstanding architect

CORRECT VERSION of the 2010 Update of the 2009 PRBoA Public Notice

as of 12 October 2009

by Electronic Re-Publication

 (reposted 30 September 2010 at the PRBoA website)

TO: ALL National Government Agencies (NSAs) and their infrastructure staff, LGUs and their Acting Building Officials Building Officials and Civil Engineers (CEs) who insist on signing and sealing ARCHITECTURAL Plans and Documents (despite the clear provisions under several valid and subsisting laws), Planning/ Design Consultants, Contractors/ Constructors, Developers and Building/ Project Owners, Etc.


The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) has published DPWH Memorandum Circular No. 2 signed by DPWH Secretary Hermogenes E. Ebdane, Jr., dated 16 September 2009 and directing all building officials “to process and issue the necessary permits and certificates to all applicants/owners notwithstanding whether the designs/plans and/or other pertinent documents xxx are prepared, signed or sealed by either a registered architect and/or civil engineer” until there is a final and executory decision in the xxx case;

Before deciding and attempting to comply with the said 2009 DPWH directive, ALL Public Officials are advised (and warned anew) by the PRBoA to seriously consider the following:

1)  R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) is a LAW that fully reflects State Policy!   

R.A. No. 9266 LIMITS to registered and licensed architects (RLAs) the professional PRIVILEGE of preparing, signing and sealing Architectural Documents.

The 2008 and 2009 DPWH Orders now relied upon by the PICE and its Members (supposedly allowing Civil Engineers/ CEs to sign and seal Architectural documents or the “A” sheets of building plans) are mere Executive Issuances and are therefore NOT LAWS i.e. NOT State Policy.

Due to their inferior status, executive issuances CANNOT supersede the dictates of State Policies such as R.A. No. 9266.

2)  As apparently certified thrice (3x) by two (2) agencies of the National Government (including the National Printing Office that publishes the Official Gazette), the authentic text of Sec. 302 of the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D. No. 1096 i.e. another Law) NEVER stated that CEs can prepare, sign or seal Architectural Documents.

3) The CE law R.A. No. 544 of 1950, as amended by R.A. No. 1582 of 1956 apparently does NOT state that CEs can prepare, sign or seal Architectural Document NOR does it state that CEs are also privileged to practice the separate State-regulated profession of Architecture.

To date (more than 60 years later), the said law still apparently lacks a codified set of implementing rules and regulations (IRR).

The CEs are NOT academically nor sub-professionally (apprentice-level) trained to practice Architecture. The CEs have also NOT been tested by the State for their capability to satisfactorily understand architectural concepts and processes, much less undertake architectural services. Their curriculum and licensure examination syllabi/ table of specifications do NOT include the Architectural planning and design of buildings for human habitation or the preparation of Architectural Documents. 

4) Only the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) through its Professional Regulatory Boards (PRBs) have jurisdiction over the 44 State-regulated professions.  Thus, only the PRC and the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) have EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION over the practice of the State-regulated profession of Architecture.  

Clearly, the DPWH Secretary does NOT have the power to regulate the practice of Architecture in the Philippines, particularly as regards the matter of the preparation, signing and sealing of Architectural Documents.

In recognition of this State Policy, the AUTHENTIC Sec. 304.5.b. of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (The 1977 NBCP), as promulgated in October 2004 by a former DPWH Secretary states:
“SECTION 304. Issuance of Building Permit xxx
5. Terms and Conditions of Permits xxx
a.  xxx
b. This permit shall be accompanied by the various applicable ancillary and accessory permits, plans and specifications signed and sealed by the corresponding design professionals who shall be responsible for the comprehensiveness and correctness of the plans in compliance to the Code and its IRR and to all applicable referral codes and professional regulatory laws.” (underscoring by the PRBoA)

R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) is one such professional regulatory LAW (PRL) i.e. the SPECIAL and LATER LAW on the practice of Architecture in the Philippines, that must be complied with in the issuance of the Building Permit by Building Officials nationwide. 

The foregoing Sec. 304.5.b of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (The 1977 NBCP) is a valid provision i.e. NO TRO nor injunction, that MUST be fully implemented and enforced by Building Officials nationwide.

5) To date (or more than 6 years after becoming the new Law on the practice of Architecture in the Philippines), there is NO TRO, NO injunction and NO pending constitutional question whatsoever on ANY of the provisions of R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) or of its 2004 IRR, particularly the ones that LIMIT to registered and licensed architects (RLAs) the professional PRIVILEGE of preparing, signing and sealing Architectural documents.

R.A. No. 9266 is therefore a valid and subsisting law that MUST be implemented by ALL Government officials, specifically including local government (LGU) officials such as city/ municipal administrators, legal officers, planning officers, treasurers and building officials, under pain of sanctions and administrative/ criminal liability, particularly under its Sec. 29.

6) Similarly, there is apparently NO standing TRO nor injunction on Secs. 302.3 and 302.4 of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP) since early 2008 (with the Court’s lifting/ dissolution of the 2005 injunction secured by the PICE and dismissal of the PICE petition filed against the DPWH Secretary).  

Unless the DPWH Secretary expressly amends the said provisions under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (by way of another set of revised IRRs that must be crafted by the DPWH, then be subjected through a properly documented public consultation and national publication), the Secs. 302.3 and 302.4 of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 MUST likewise be implemented and enforced by ALL Building Officials nationwide.

7) Over the years 2002 through 2010, the Philippine Congress (the legislative branch of Government), the Court (representing the judicial branch of Government) and the Departments of Justice and Public Works/ DoJ/ DPWH and some LGUs (representing the executive branch of Government) have all ruled in favor of the Architects, without fail.  

The RLA-supportive actions of the 3 branches of Government include:
a.   The January 2004 DoJ Opinion (signed by then DoJ Secretary, now Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez) which ruled that Architectural documents are for Architects and civil/ structural documents are for CEs i.e. based on the repealed Architecture Law R.A. No. 545 of 1950, amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956 and on the CE Law R.A. No. 544 of 1950, amended by R.A. No. 1582 of 1956;   
b.   the passage of H.B. 8539 and S.B. No. 2710 respectively by the 2 Houses of Congress and their approval into law on 17 March 2004 as R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) by the executive branch of Government, represented by the President of the Philippines;
c.   the October 2004 promulgation by the DPWH of Secs. 302.3 and 302.4 as part of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), which LIMIT to RLAs the act of signing and sealing Architectural Documents;
d.   the January 2008 lifting/ dissolution of the Court of the PICE-secured 2005 preliminary injunction on Secs. 302.3 and 302.4 as part of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP); the lifting/ dissolution Order formed part of the Court Decision;
e.   the 2010 denial by the Court of the PICE Motion for the Reconsideration of its 2008 Decision that lifted/ dissolved the PICE-secured 2005 preliminary injunction on Secs. 302.3 and 302.4 of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP); and
f.     some LGUs are already actively implementing R.A. No. 9266 in full compliance with the rule of LAW (and NOT with a mere DPWH Memorandum Order, which is NOT the LAW). 

8) As the 2008 and 2009 DPWH Orders apparently intentionally VIOLATED R.A. No. 9266 (and therefore unduly favored the CEs/ PICE in the course of the violation of said Law), a former DPWH Secretary and 2 of his Undersecretaries were eventually SUED FOR GRAFT at the Office of the Ombudsman by the PRBoA in November 2009.

Also impleaded in the PRBoA Ombudsman complaint were the PICE and the publisher of the intercalated version of Sec. 302 of P.D. No. 1096, purporting (making it appear) that CEs could sign and seal Architectural Documents.  

Similar cases are still being readied by the PRBoA for filing in the remaining months of 2010 against the concerned LGU officials, specifically the former/ incumbent Local Chief Executives and their Building Officials who continually refuse/d or willfully neglect/ed to implement and enforce R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) despite sufficient public notices or calls from the PRBoA or from the RLA community.

Similarly, private sector entities such as CEs who sign and seal Architectural Documents and the Owners, Constructors and Developers of the subject buildings/ structures shall be impleaded in said PRBoA complaints.

Source: Architecture Board
READ MORE - CORRECT VERSION of the 2010 Update of the 2009 PRBoA Public Notice