UAP Diliman Chapter’s Execom Meeting No. 9: Participation in GAM, UAP General Welfare Committee, and The Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation, Inc. Project

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Last August 25, 2010, Wednesday, the UAP Diliman Chapter held its 9th Execom Meeting at the UAP Headquarters. Being socially-aware and active in Outreach Programs, its officers, represented by Markel Luna-President, Albert Rosel-CPE Committee Director, Florencio Sebastian-Ex-Officio, and Minnie Rosel-Past President and Head of the UAP General Welfare Committee, met with members of GAM and the Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation, Inc., for its possible collaboration with the said groups on their Community Development Project. This would involve assistance in Planning and Design for a proposed Complex/Compound, which would benefit informal settlers that the Vincentian Missionaries are helping out.

Hopefully, the Diliman Chapter would be able to contribute to this noble cause, having members who are eager to lend their professional services.


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