Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Pre-school in Datu Salumay, located in outskirts of Davao City, which composed a little more than thirty (30) students ranging from four to seven years of age, lacks proper tables and benches for their classroom. Due to poverty and lack of resources, these kids walk in their bare feet without basic footwear.

The UAP DAVAO ALPHA Chapter in partnership with Philippine Institute of Architects Davao Section, represented by Archt. Danilo Guevarra, donated twelve (12) sets of tables and benches to the school along with some pairs of slippers, blankets and mosquito nets.

The City Health Office of Davao City and the local media (ABS-CBN of Davao) also contributed and offered their time and effort by providing much needed supplies and rendered necessary services towards the locals of the said area. ABS-CBN Davao gave some food and multi-vitamins for the kids while the City Health Office of Davao took some blood samples to determine if anyone is positive of dengue or malaria. Their staff also brought Agua Resigene, a water based insect repellant, upon which the mosquito nets were soaked in to ensure that illness caused by insect bites such as dengue and malaria will prevent from spreading in the village.

The group decided to adopt the community and committed to return with more help and provide basic necessities in the next coming months.


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