When the Filipino Community Heeds for Help, the UAE-AUH Chapter Responds

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

by Arch. Dante Alba, uap

For the benefit of those who are new to the Middle East and its culture, Iftar, refers to the evening meal for breaking the daily fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan. Or a meal served at the end of the fasting day during Ramadan, to break the day’s fast. Literally, “breakfast.” Iftar during Ramadan is often done as a community, with Muslims gathering to break their fast together (extracted from www.ezsoftech.com). This is considered a feast after fasting for no food and drinks from sunrise to sunset.

In the spirit of the Holy Month of Ramadan, The UAP-AUH Chapter initiated an outreach/iftar feeding program to benefit The Light of Allah Community of its wards housed at the new Philippine Embassy/POLO office at Al Bateen. The Program was named, Eid-A-Ward and it aimed to give assistance to distressed Filipina OFW workers who are currently housed in the Philippine Embassy Offices. The Light of Allah Community sought for the support of the Filipino organizations in Abu Dhabi to reach out a helping hand in assistance to our less fortunate countrymen.

The UAP-Abu Dhabi Chapter, UAP Dubai, UAPGA Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah responded to the call and had its own fund raising drive to support the program. The members were encouraged to participate and some even sought for the help of sources outside of the UAP/UAPGA. The collected relief goods were collected and packed in the penthouse of the Eclipse Hotel in Liwa Street in Abu Dhabi and the UAP and UAPGA has proudly raised several boxes of everyday goods and cash amounting to AED 1,500.00. Grateful and smiling faces greeted the group upon entry to the courtyard adjacent to the ward accommodation. There were about 150 wards housed within the premises. Brother Ismail Sorio gathered all of his wards to greet and welcome the UAP contingent and he made a heartening speech about people helping people, he gave hope to those who are in need. Sometimes, only hope remains for these people, and we extended our helping hand, we managed to keep their spirits afloat, their dreams intact, and we can also only wish that they’d succeed in their endeavours.

The group has left the premises with a sense of accomplishment, and has partaken in the old Filipino way “bayahinan”. Surely, this will not be the first and last activity of its kind that the UAP-Abu Dhabi will involve itself into.


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