Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The International Union of Architects announces the launch of the WAN AWARDS session devoted to residential buildings. This sector includes two categories: multi-occupancy housing and single family houses.

The 2010 WAN residential award honours appartment blocks, housing estates and other multi-occupancy units, refurbishments and conversions, completed during the last three years (on or after 1st January 2007). The 2010 House of the Year will be awarded for a single-family house completed during this calendar year.

The deadline for submission is 31 December 2010.

Olufemi Majekodunmi, UIA Past President, will represent the Union on the jury for this session of the awards.

Via UIA a reduction de 20% on the registration fee is offered to new participants in this Award by using the following code at the time of registration


This is the last of the 6 bi-monthly 2010 ‘Excellence in Design’ series. Each session of this Awards programme is devoted to a different sector: education, healthcare, civic, commercial and residential buildings.

The WAN AWARDS are organised by World Architecture News, the on-line international architecture review, UIA media partner.

Developing new perspectives for the future

Entries open in USD 2 million competition for projects and visions in sustainable construction

Zurich/Switzerland, July 1, 2010 – The 3rd International Holcim Awards competition offering a total of USD 2 million in prize money is open to: sustainable building and civil engineering works; landscape, urban design and infrastructure projects; and materials, products and construction technologies. The Awards are an initiative of the Swiss-based Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction.
Entries must be submitted online at www.holcimawards.org by March 23, 2011. The competition celebrates innovative, future-oriented and tangible projects and visions from around the globe and is open to anyone involved with approaches that contribute towards a more sustainable built environment. The 3rd International Holcim Awards competition is comprised of five regional competitions in 2010/11 and the global phase in 2012. Step-by-step instructions on how to enter the competition are available at: www.holcimawards.org/guides
Holcim Awards (main) and “Next Generation” (student) categories
The main category of the competition is open to architects, planners, engineers, project owners, builders and construction firms that showcase sustainable responses to technological, environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues with contemporary building and construction. Projects are eligible for the competition if they have reached an advanced stage of design. Construction (or commercial production in the case of materials, products and construction technologies) must not have started before July 1, 2010. In addition, the Holcim Awards seeks visions and ideas for the “Next Generation” category, open to student projects created within university programs at final year bachelor level or above (including master’s and PhD).
Measuring up to “target issues” for sustainable construction
Submissions in both categories are evaluated by independent juries, using five “target issues” to define sustainable construction. Three of these align with the triple bottom line concept of balanced social, environmental and economic performance. The rest cover contextual and aesthetic impact, and innovation and transferability. For further details see: www.holcimawards.org/target
Internationally renowned architects and academics in juries
The juries in the five competition regions include experts in sustainable construction, such as Angelo Bucci (Brazil), Raymond J. Cole (Canada), Wowo Ding (China), Harry Gugger (Switzerland), Bjarke Ingels (Denmark), Sheila Kennedy (USA), Ashok B. Lall (India), Winy Maas (Netherlands), Jürgen Mayer H. (Germany), Mohsen Mostafavi (USA), Amer Moustafa (UAE), Lucy Musgrave (UK), Olivia la O’Castillo (Philippines), Joe Osae-Addo (Ghana), Michel Rojkind (Brazil), Hashim Sarkis (Lebanon), Bruno Stagno (Costa Rica), Gunawan Tjahjono (Indonesia). A full list of jury members is available at: www.holcimawards.org/jury
Support by world-renowned technical universities
The Holcim Awards competitions are conducted in partnership with some of the world’s leading technical universities. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) leads the Technical Competence Center of the Holcim Foundation. Other partner universities which host the independent competition juries are: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA; the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) in Mexico City, Mexico; l’École Supérieure d’Architecture de Casablanca (EAC) in Morocco, and Tongji University (TJU) in Shanghai, China. The Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil, and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg, South Africa, are associated universities of the Holcim Foundation.
100 prize winning projects in the first two competitions
In the 2nd Holcim Awards competition 2008/2009, almost 5000 projects from 120 countries were submitted. The 52 prize-winning projects included the global winners: Holcim Awards Gold – River remediation and urban development scheme, Fez, Morocco. Silver – Low-impact greenfield university campus, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Bronze – Sustainable planning for a rural community, Beijing, China. “Innovation” prize – Self-contained day labor station, San Francisco, USA. Details about the 100 prize-winning projects from both the 1st and 2nd competition cycles are available at: www.holcimawards.org.
The Holcim Foundation is supported by Holcim Ltd and its Group companies in around 70 countries and is independent of its commercial interests. Holcim is one of the world’s leading suppliers of cement and aggregates as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. In 2009 the Group was confirmed as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the seventh time in succession.
5 Target Issues
To make the criteria of sustainable construction concise and transparent, the Holcim Foundation and its partner universities have defined five so-called “target issues”. These criteria consider sustainability from a holistic perspective:
Progress – Quantum change and transferability
The project must demonstrate innovation at the forefront of sustainable construction, a quantum leap in comparison to conventional procedures. Breakthroughs and trend-setting approaches, irrespective of scale, must be transferable to a range of other applications.
People – Ethical standards and social equity
The project must adhere to the highest ethical standards and support society at all stages of construction, from planning and building processes to long – term impact on the communal fabric. The project is to provide an advanced response vis-à-vis ethical and social responsibility.
Planet – Ecological quality and energy conservation
The project must exhibit a sensible use and management of natural resources throughout its life cycle, including operation and maintenance. Long-term environmental concerns, whether pertaining to flows of material or energy, should be an integral part of the built entry.
Prosperity – Economic performance and compatibility
The project must prove to be economically feasible and innovative as to the deployment of financial resources. Funding must promote an economy of means and be compatible with the demands and constraints encountered throughout the construction’s life span.
Proficiency – Contextual and aesthetic impact
The project must convey a high standard of architectural quality as to the manner in which it addresses its cultural and physical context. With space and form of utmost significance, the construction must have a lasting aesthetic impact on its surrounding environment.
Dominik Baumann, Communications Manager, Holcim Foundation
Phone +41 58 858 8292 / +41 58 858 8292, Mobile +41 76 347 7901, info@holcimfoundation.org
Holcim Foundation, Hagenholzstrasse 85, CH-8050 Zurich/Switzerland
Philippines: Jill Cortes email at: gillian.cortes@holcim.com
READ MORE - Developing new perspectives for the future

UAP San Juan-Mandaluyong Chapter Celebrates 23rd Year of Founding Anniversary

Graced by the presence of the UAP National Vice President for Area-A Arch. Richard M. Garcia, fuap, the UAP San Juan-Mandaluyong Chapter celebrated its 23rd Founding Anniversary in style different from the previous years of celebration. Arch. Garcia represented UAP National President Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza, fuap. The Guest of Honor was Hon. Benjamin C. Abalos, Jr. who wasn’t able to come for urgent matters was represented by the Mandaluyong City Public Information Office Chief and Spokesperson Mr. Jimmy M. Isidro. The re-elected Captain Jesus C. Cruz of Brgy. Baranca Ibaba was also one of the guest of honor. Above photo shows (front row L-R) Arch. Vina Elisa C. Bote-Vice President for Programs and Development; Arch. Russell Fatima N. Moleta-Ex-Officio; Arch. Felicisimo A. Tejuco, Jr.-Regional District A-5 Director; Arch. Richard R. Pamplena-Chapter President; Arch. Garcia; and Arch. Gerardo P. Yatco, Jr.-Immediate Regional District A-5 Past Director. Behind them are Chapter Board of Officers and Members as well as Guests and Sponsors.

The first part of the program was Opening Ceremonies highlighted with the presentation of accomplishment of Mandaluyong City Government. The second part was the Induction of New Members; among the thirteen new members to be inducted, six was present and able to take their oath of membership. The third part was the Closing Ceremonies with the speech of the National President delivered by Arch. Garcia. Achievers were presented and appreciated for their contribution to the chapter. The fourth part of the program was the most awaited fellowship with Halloween Costume Contest, dancing and singing. Slides of the chapter achievements were shown in the background during the course of the program.
READ MORE - UAP San Juan-Mandaluyong Chapter Celebrates 23rd Year of Founding Anniversary

Mass Blood Donation

Greetings! In preparation for the upcoming National Architecture Week on Dec. 6 - 11, 2010. I would like to invite you to our chapter activity, a charity work - Mass Blood Donation at the Philippine National Red Cross, Main Branch, Port Area, Manila starting at 9:00 A.M. till 12:00 Noon. The banner's location is the original venue, but since Philippine National Red Cross requires at least 50 blood donors in order for them to provide mobile clinics, we are short of the numbers. So we will hold the venue at the their office, we will provide food and beverages to all attendees. I hope to see you there on Saturday at 9:00 A.M. till 12:00 Noon. Thanks and best regards.

Arch. Dennis Elizalde
UAP Manila Intramuros Chapter

ps: Notes on blood donors below, please read for your guidance.

The Philippine Red Cross – Mass Blood Donation Activity

The Philippine National Red Cross is a humanitarian organization, which provides services to uplift the lives of the underprivileged. One of its basic services is the Blood Services, which works on providing the country with an adequate and safer blood supply from volunteer, non-remunerated blood donors.

Advantages of Voluntary Blood Donation

1. Safer and better quality of blood supply. Regular donation from volunteer will help ensure adequacy of blood supply.

Benefit to the blood donor

1. Blood donation stimulates production of new cells, similar to the principles of “change oil mechanism“.

2. Personal health check. You will know your blood type and hemoglobin.

3. Blood donation boosts personal self-worth

Qualifications of a Blood Donor

1. Age - 18 – 59 years old (60 – 65, for regular donor)

- 16 – 17 years old must have parent’s consent

2. Weight - at least 110 lbs (approximately 50 kg)

3. Blood Pressure - between 90 – 140 mmHg (systolic)

- between 60 – 100 mmHg (diastolic)

4. Pulse Rate - 50 – 100 beats per minute

5. Body Temperature - must not exceed 37 degrees Centigrade

6. Hemoglobin - 125 g/L (12.5 g/dL) or not anemic

Before the actual blood donation

Red Cross can provide leaflets and posters for information dissemination and promotion of the mass blood donation activity. The organizer of the activity (blood donation coordinator) undertakes the promotion and dissemination of the information to generate support and participation among its members. We can also send our Blood Service Representative to help you discuss the advantages and benefits of blood donation.

Logistics and Staff

v A team, approximately 6 to 8 Red Cross staff will conduct the mass blood donation activity for a minimum of 50 prospective donors.

v A pledge can be provided to help you assess the number of prospective donors, you may fax or mail to us the list of prospective donors before the activity.

v The number of prospective donor is set to contribute to the success of the activity and it must not coincide with other activities such as medical missions and other trainings.

v Red Cross will bring the logistics needed, i.e. cotbeds, linens, etc., as well as fruit juice necessary for volume replacement for the donors.

v We will just need a well-lighted, well-ventilated place that is accessible to the donors with the floor area of 5 x 5 square meters and tables and chairs for registration.

v We also have a blood mobile bus which can accommodate 5 blood donors and can be stationed in your area. (Generator operated).

v Confirm the blood donation date and final number of prospective donors and update the Red Cross blood service representative on any changes to the original, confirmed plans.

Preparation before donating blood

1. Have enough rest and sleep.
2. No alcohol intake 24 hours prior to blood donation.
3. No medications for at least 24 hours prior to blood donation.
4. Have something to eat prior to blood donation, avoid fatty foods.
5. Drink plenty of fluid like water or juice.

Steps in donating blood

1. Have your weight taken.
2. Register honestly and completely the donor registration form.
3. Have your blood type and hemoglobin checked.
4. A physician will examine the blood donor.
5. Actual donation. The amount of blood to be donated will depend on the donor’s weight and blood pressure. Either 350cc or 450cc and would usually take 10 minutes or less.
6. A 5 to 10 minute rest and plenty of fluid intake is necessary after donation.

What to do after blood donation

1. Drink plenty of fluids like water or juice.
2. Refrain from stooping down after blood donation.
3. Refrain from strenuous activities like:
a. Lifting heavy objects
b. Driving big vehicles such as bus, trucks, etc.
c. Operating big machines
4. Avoid using the punctured arm in lifting heavy objects.
5. Apply pressure on the punctured site and lift the arm in case the site is still bleeding.
6. If there is discoloration and swelling on the punctured site, you may apply cold compress for 24 hours and then hot compress for the next 24 hours.
7. If there is dizziness, just lie down feet elevated. Drink plenty of juice, in just a few minutes or so it will pass.

Frequently asked questions on Blood Donation

1. Will donating blood make me weak?

No, it will not make you weak. Donating 450cc will not cause any ill effects or weakness. The human body has the capacity to compensate for whatever amount of blood you have donated because when a person donates blood, the bone marrow is stimulated to produce new blood cells which in turn makes the blood forming organs function more effectively.

2. How often can a person donate?

A healthy individual may donate every three months.

3. Can a person who has tattoo still donate blood?

If the tattooing procedure is done a year ago, he/she may donate. This is also the same with ear piercing, acupuncture, and other procedures involving needles. A one year deferral is also applied to those who just had tooth extraction and those who just came from other countries.

4. How long will it take to donate blood?

The whole process of donating blood from the registration up to the time you rest will only take an average of 30 minutes.

The blood extraction will take about 5-8 minutes and the volume will be replenished within 24 hours and the cells within weeks, so that by the end of the month, the body will have the same amount of blood before the blood donation.

5. Will I contract disease through blood donation?

No, we use sterile, disposable needles and syringes.

Blood Donors Card

Each blood donors will be given BLOOD DONORS CARD. This card can be used when the owner or any member of his family and friends needs blood. He will be given priority depending on stocks/availability when he presents this card to any Red Cross Blood Service Facilities nationwide together with the blood request from the hospital. However, this card does not exempt the holder from paying the processing fee. This is intended to cover the cost of the reagents used to screen all donated blood for infectious disease.

Donor Counseling

In case a donor is found to be reactive to any of the 5 infectious diseases namely HIV, Malaria, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. He or she will receive a letter and will be asked to attend a seminar or counseling session conducted by a medical officer at the National Blood Center. The content of the session includes discussion on the disease, its course and mode of transmission, its cure and prevention.

How to avail blood from PNRC?

1. Kindly get a blood request form from the hospital where the patient is confined which contains the following details:
- Full name of the patient
- Age, Sex, Status
- Blood type, Rh group
- Blood Component
- Amount/unit needed
- Diagnosis/Indication for transfusion
- Printed name with signature of the attending physician

2. Bring the blood request form to the nearest Red Cross Blood Center.

3. For PNRC blood donor’s card holder – priority to Red Cross in case blood needs.

4. Blood processing fee – payment for the processing of blood to ensure safety of the patient.

5. Immediately bring the blood dispensed at Red Cross to the blood bank of the hospital.


1. Registration Area
2. Physical Examination
3. Extraction Area
4. Refreshment area
5. Technician
READ MORE - Mass Blood Donation

District C-2 Arkilympics 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Regional District C-2 successfully held Arkilympics last Nov. 8 - 15, 2010. Basketball Games was held at Brgy. Villamonte, covered basketball court, while Bowling and Billiards were held at Lopues East Recreational Center, Bacolod City. The participants of this Arkilympics 2010 were UAP Bacolod and Negrense Chapters, UAP-GA & UAP-SA. These events were sponsored by Davies Paint, under District Director Archt. Gil V. Juesna Jr., uap
READ MORE - District C-2 Arkilympics 2010

UAP receives International Award

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The United Architects of the Philippines, the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects has been bestowed EAROPH 50th Golden Jubilee Award in recognition of its substantial contribution to the advancement of Planning, Development and Management of Human Settlements in the Philippines.

The Award was presented by Lord Mayor, Michael Harbison of Adelaide, Australia to UAP National President Architect Ramon S. Mendoza during the President’s Dinner held in conjunction with 2010 EAROPH Golden Jubilee Congress held at Adelaide Town Hall, Australia on 31st October 2010.

EAROPH, the Eastern Regional Organisation for Planning & Human Settlements is a non-government multi-sectorial organisation encompassing the private, public and academic sectors. It was founded in New Delhi, India in 1956.

EAROPH was established to foster the exchange of insights and experiences among countries in Asia, Australia and the Pacific Region. It promotes a better understanding of Human Settlements and encourages excellence in planning, development and management to improve the quality of life and sustainability of human settlements.
READ MORE - UAP receives International Award


Friday, November 12, 2010

Pursuant to the commitment towards continuing professional development, the Office of the National Executive Vice President through the Commission on Professional Development will be holding a two and a half day “SUSTAINABLE TOILET DESIGNS” CPE Seminar on November 25-27, 2010 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at University of Mindanao Auditorium, Matina, Davao City.

This seminar is part of the UAP CPE program for Filipino Architects as tasked by the Professional Regulation Commission in ensuring the continuous education of a registered professional with the latest trends in the profession brought about by modernization, scientific and technological advancement; raise and maintain the professional’s capability for delivering professional services; attain and maintain the highest standards and quality in the practice of the architecture profession; comply with the professional’s continuing ethical standard requirements; and make the Filipino architects globally competitive.

Specifically, the Seminar intends to familiarize the participants with the intricate details of toilet designs, ie: laws affecting toilet designs, standards of toilet design, socio-cultural implications on toilet designs, scientific and medical consideration, ergonomics of toilet fixtures, air and water quality of toilets, sustainability and green design of toilets, and more importantly, the holistic and comprehensive planning and design of private and public toilets that are oriented towards user comfort, sustainability, and accessibility.

All officers and members of the UAP Area D are enjoined to attend the seminar as part of the compliance with the Mandatory CPE requirements as a pre-requisite to be a member in good standing of the IAPOA.

Registration Fee is P1,500.00 inclusive of the snack, lunch, and seminar certificate and kit. Kindly confirm your attendance to VP for Area D, Arch. Jemma Sarrol Semana or District Director for D-1, Arch. Ramonito Octaviano.

The UAP Diliman Chapter: Driving Force Behind UAP’s General Welfare Committee

Thursday, November 11, 2010

On November 5, 2010, at the UAP Headquarters in Quezon City, The UAP General Welfare Committee, in its first Meeting, was formed. The Diliman Chapter proudly and willingly lent its hand in solidifying this Group, in which six of its members (Minnie Rosel, Albert Rosel, Markel Luna, Becca Rellosa, Mike Yago, & Nap Ibañez) and Elwin Buenaventura of the Makati Chapter completed the seven-man team.

Having the function of creating guidelines and recommendations for UAP Members’ betterment and welfare, the Committee immediately initialized plans of coming up with a handbook that would explain and expound on the benefits of being a Member of the United Architects of the Philippines.

To “take care” of the General Membership is a gargantuan task, but this group will take on the challenge to make the “UAP Experience” a pleasant one.
READ MORE - The UAP Diliman Chapter: Driving Force Behind UAP’s General Welfare Committee

Plans for New Chapter Activities Tackled in UAP Diliman Chapter’s Execom Meeting No. 11

The first half of the Fiscal Year is about to end, but the UAP Diliman Chapter is still on its toes, cooking up more Activities for the Chapter, and the A-4 District, as well. On November 3, 2010, at Buddy’s, Timog Avenue, Quezon City, its Execom Meeting No. 11 took place, graced by Business Partners from Steeltech, who are always willing to support the Organization.

Plans for CPE Modules, “Balangkasan”, Special Projects, and Social Events were tackled. With the kind of enthusiasm that the Execom has, all of the Chapter’s endeavours will definitely be successful
READ MORE - Plans for New Chapter Activities Tackled in UAP Diliman Chapter’s Execom Meeting No. 11

The Diliman Chapter Spearheads Launch of the UAP “Fitness Nights Series” : Social Dancing

After the “Hip Hop Abs” and Yoga Sessions, UAP launches the third of the “Fitness Nights Series”, Social Dancing. On November 3, 2010, the UAP Headquarters Bulwagan Mayor was turned into a Ballroom, with Dance Instructor Ryan patiently teaching the basic steps of “Swing”. The Dilimaners (Markel Luna-President, Albert Rosel-CPE Director, and Minnie Rosel-Committee Head of UAP General Welfare) took on the challenge, and that’s exactly what it was: a challenge! This Series will be held on all Wednesdays of November 2010 at the UAP Headquarters, where more dance styles will be introduced.

Exercise can be fun, too, and more participants are expected to attend (in their dancing shoes).
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter Spearheads Launch of the UAP “Fitness Nights Series” : Social Dancing

UAP-TSC Halloween Party

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween is not just for trick or treats among kids but also for busy professionals like architects.

The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) Tandang Sora Chapter (TSC) held its first Halloween Party themed as “FREAKY TSC” (A Black and White Party), last October 29, 2010 at Wheatberry Bakery and Café in Sct. Castor, Quezon City. It aimed to solidify the unity of chapter officers and members amidst their busy schedules, to share their talents, and to express their creativity in their best Halloween costume, as well as to bring out fun and absolute excitement from the prepared games. It was also the chapter’s way to have good time with the members who celebrated their birthdays in the month of October. A special song rendition was presented for the current chapter president Arch. Victor Mari Gonzales who celebrated his birthday last October 10.
READ MORE - UAP-TSC Halloween Party


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Synergy, a run for humanity, is an event that aims to promote sustainable communities. It is part of the 21'ST ANNIVERSARRY CELEBRATION OF UAPSA.
race distance:

3k run 350php for member /400php non member
5k run 350php for member /400php non member
10k run 400php for member /450php non member

you can register ; options
1. to your school chapter
2. UAP Head Quarters

Race route:
Tomas Morato, Timog Ave, Sct Rallos, Mo.Ignacia st.

note: all race kit and singlet and race bib number ibibigay sa race day mismo.

UIA Newsletter

Passed issues of the UIA e-Newsletters may also be downloaded on the UIA web site at the URL address:

READ MORE - UIA Newsletter

World Health Organizations' Drive for Safe Hospitals

Sunday, November 7, 2010

WHO has just launched it's first social media driven effort, aiming to engage 1 million people in the issue of hospitals safe in disasters. This new approach, launched a week back, is part of their ongoing work to make South-East Asia more disaster prepared.

The initiative is spearheaded by a Facebook reaction test application and a simple message: disasters destroy in seconds - WHO needs you to react fast. The app invites people to test how quickly they can respond and to challenge friends to beat their time. Each reaction counts towards building the wave of public support WHO now needs to push decision-makers (who committed to this issue last year) in to making hospitals safe.

South-East Asia faces some of the world’s worst natural disasters. Over the last decade, more than half a million people in the region have died in devastating floods, cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Health facilities provide lifesaving services in the aftermath of these disasters, yet they often collapse or fail when most needed, when communities have been hardest hit.

With partners like UAP, WHO is working to ensure health facilities are build to withstand emergencies, have contingency plans in place and that staff are trained to help people under post-disaster conditions. This will
save thousands of lives. As a result of coordinated efforts, last year, governments officially committed to ensuring health facilities, old or new, are made safe from disasters. With the help of partners and public
support, WHO seeks to push the same decision-makers and the hospital industry in to taking concrete action to prevent future, needless loss of life.

UAP members are enjoined to consider supporting this important cause. Your help would make a world of difference to this campaign outcome and help move countries forward in this area. Below are both the links to the Facebook reaction tester and website.

READ MORE - World Health Organizations' Drive for Safe Hospitals

Sorsogon Kasanggayahan Chapter 10th Chapter Anniversary

The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) Sorsogon Kasanggayahan Chapter will celebrate its 10th Chapter Anniversary this year. As such the chapter will commemorate the significant events that happened in its past and all the people who contributed to the success of the chapter.

The celebration will be on November 27,2010,Saturday 7:pm at ParadiseHotel, Pangpang, Sorsogon City with the theme: “Ten years of Professional Excellence, Commitment and Service…….a Decade more.” Invited guests are the National Officers of the UAP and the Vice-Mayor and Mayor of Sorsogon City.
READ MORE - Sorsogon Kasanggayahan Chapter 10th Chapter Anniversary

National Architecture Week 2010

December of every year, Architects all over the Philippines celebrate the National Architecture Week (NAW). This year, NAW on its 39th year, will be celebrated from December 5 through December 11, 2010 with the theme, “POP ARCH: REINVENTING ARCHITECTURE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION”. The year’s theme came to be in recognition of how the profession is evolving through time, how architects reinvent and diversify, and sought related avenues to express their creativity and dynamism without completely deviating from the profession. Thus the term, “Popular Architecture” or simply, “Pop Arch”.


DAY 0 : 9PM – Onwards
December 4
Ingress of Exhibits, APEC Architects’ Exhibit
SM City North EDSA, The Block

DAY 1 NAW 39 Fun Run (Takbuhan NAW 39)
December 5
5:00 AM – 5:30 AM On-Site Registration
5:30 AM – 7:30 AM Fun Run to start from UAP Headquarters
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast
Registration of Cosplay Participants
UP Ampitheater

NAW 39 Opening Ceremonies, UP Ampitheater
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Holy Mass
9:30 AM –10:30 AM Welcome Remarks and Official Opening Address
10:30 AM-11:00 AM Motorcade from UP to SM City

Launching of NAW 39 Program
Simultaneous Opening of Exhibits & Ribbon Cutting Events
for District/Chapter Mall-based Exhibitions
Nationwide Streamer Displays, to be pre-coordinated with respective
LGUs by Local Chapters (Proclamation no. 934)

11:00 AM -11:30 AM Start of Costume Parade
by UAPSA/UAPGA Participants
SM City Annex to SM City The Block
11:30 AM -12:00 AM Opening & Ribbon Cutting of APEC Architects’ Exhibits to be attended by UAP National Officers

DAY 2 :
December 6
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM Chapter/District’s participation in their respective LGU’s Flag Ceremonies
8:30 AM –11:30 AM Simultaneous Opening of Exhibits & Ribbon Cutting Events
for City/Municipal Hall/Provincial Capitol based Exhibits

DAY 3 :
December 7
Turn-over of UAP National’s Project (Takobets)
PDC Seminar, UAP Headquarters, schedule to be confirmed

DAY 4 :
December 8
Opening of Architect-Painters’ Exhibits
UAP Headquarters
Exhibits of Entries & Preliminary Judging: Design Against The Elements (DATE)
Amoranto Stadium (tentative)

DAY 5 :
December 9
Balangkasan – Green Architecture
to be hosted by District A-3 c/o DD Alfred Carandang

DAY 6 :
December 10
(Tour) Public Building Assessments on Accessibility Law

Simultaneous Closing Ceremonies (for City/Municipal/Province Capitol based Exhibits)
Chapter Courtesy Call & Presentation of Tokens to respective LGUs

DAY 7 :
December 11
NAW 39 Closing Ceremonies
Awarding of Best Costume, COSPLAY
SM City The Block
Closing Ceremonies
Thanksgiving Mass

Culmination Night
Boodlefight / Street Party / Fireworks Display
READ MORE - National Architecture Week 2010

Western Visayas needs urban planners says NEDA

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ILOILO CITY, Oct. 27 (PNA) -– The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) here said that Western Visayas is in need of urban planners. Gil Altura of NEDA said that urban planning will address most of the region’s rapid growth rate, increase its economic opportunities and income.

Altura said that urban planning allows cities and towns to attract more investors and potential businesses. He also said that this is needed in advancing the major tourism destinations of the region as well as the infrastructures, power and energy, and agriculture needs of the provinces.

Likewise, Altura said that the region needs urban planners in the municipalities. He said that urbanizing the municipalities will hasten its progress. It will also stir economic activities in the countryside, and decongest the city and provincial capital, he added.

Urban planning integrates land use planning and transportation planning to improve the built, economic and social environments of communities. It also includes adapting urban planning methods to existing cities suffering from decay and lack of investment.

Urban planning focus is the design and regulation of the uses of space as well as physical structure, economic functions, and social impacts. Altura said that NEDA is encouraging municipalities, and cities to practice urban planning in their future projects and programs. (PNA)
READ MORE - Western Visayas needs urban planners says NEDA

The Diliman Chapter at the UAP Area A Council Planning and Consultative Meeting 2010 at Thunderbird Resorts, La Union

The UAP District A-4, as well as the whole Area A, proved to be a solid group, as the District Directors, Chapter Presidents, and National Board converged at the Thunderbird Resorts in La Union for the UAP Area A Council Planning and Consultative Meeting last October 22 and 23, 2010. The Diliman Chapter, represented by its President Markel Cesar A. Luna, was more than willing to accept the task assigned to it for the coming Area A Assembly in February. The Council Planning was immediate followed by a Consultative Meeting with the National Board where issues were brought up and tried to be resolved.

The evening was opened by the chartering of UAP’s newest Chapter, La Union-Agila. Awarding Ceremonies took place, and the night ended with a simple Fellowship Party.

Day 2 was a physical one, which started with Team-Building Activities conducted by NEVP Mike Ang. New friendships flourished, and everyone was delighted as they headed home, looking forward to the next Area A Activity.
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter at the UAP Area A Council Planning and Consultative Meeting 2010 at Thunderbird Resorts, La Union

The Diliman Chapter : A Major Part of “Greenovation : A Climate Change Awareness Concert”

Once again, the Diliman Chapter showed its support for its District, and displayed its involvement in pro-environment advocacies. On October 16, 2010, at the Teatro Arkitekto, UAP HQ, “Greenovation : A Climate Change Awareness Concert” was presented. An A-4 District Activity hosted by the QC-Elliptical Chapter, the Event was graced by an audience composed of Architects, Educators, Students, and many other Guests. It was a show of substance. Not only did it showcase Musical Numbers and a Fashion Show, but it also had a Symposium… Truly a cause-oriented Affair.

The Dilimaners were more than willing to lend a hand… From supplying pieces of equipment, to promoting the event… From being part of the audience, to being a major speaker of the symposium (in the person of Armin Sarthou).

Fun and informative, “Greenovation” definitely changed the “concert landscape”.
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter : A Major Part of “Greenovation : A Climate Change Awareness Concert”

The Diliman Chapter’s GMM/Fellowship No. 4 : Casual Discussions Galore!

With all the Activities that the Diliman Chapter has been involved in, the Dilimaners definitely needed a well-deserved break. On October 14, 2010, at Cabalen, West Ave., Quezon City, the Diliman Chapter’s GMM/Fellowship No. 4, a mini celebration, took place, where the members were treated to a sumptuous Filipino Cuisine Buffet. Planned to be a laid back, relaxed event, it was inevitable that many concerns and issues were brought up, in the form of Casual Discussions. Pocket forums were visible in every corner of the venue, and the Dilimaners hopped from one table to another, enthusiastically participating in the positive exchange of ideas, suggestions etc.

Everyone was happy… Not only did each one leave with a full stomach, but a “nourished” head, as well
READ MORE - The Diliman Chapter’s GMM/Fellowship No. 4 : Casual Discussions Galore!

UAP partners with UST

United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. (UAP) has inked a memorandum of agreement with the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Center for Continuing Professional Education and Development (CCPED) on October 21, 2010 for the conduct of the 1st UST-UAP Certified Heritage Building Conservation Specialist Course (CHBCSC), a program that will provide continuing education for professional architects. The CHBCSC will open at the UST Campus in Espana, Manila in January 2011.

The partnership is also in time for UST’s Quadricentennial Celebration in 2011. The CHBCSC is credited as three units of electives under the UST Graduate School. Shown in the photo during the MOA signing ceremony at the UAP Main Office in Quezon City are (front from left) UST CCPED Director, Engr. Delfin R. Jacob; Dean of the UST Graduate School, Dr. Lilian J. Sison; UAP National President, Arch. Ramon S. Mendoza; UAP Executive Vice President, Arch. Michael T. Ang; (behind from left) UAP Professional Development Commission Head, Arch. Leah P. Dela Rosa; UST College of Architecture Dean, Arch. John Joseph T. Fernandez, and other UAP Board Members.
READ MORE - UAP partners with UST


The 1st UST-UAP Certified Heritage Building Conservation Specialist Course is a key initiative of the United Architects of the Philippines and the UST Center for Continuing Professional Education & Development (CCPED) intended to provide continuing professional education to architects, contractors, framers, renovators, and restoration workers and other professionals who want to enhance their skills in the art of heritage preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of heritage buildings and sites.

It is a 64-hour certificate program focuses on the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to safely perform interventions or maintenance in a manner compatible with the standards and guidelines for the conservation of historic places in the Philippines, and incorporate the principles and practices that encourage long-term conservation of our historic buildings and places. The course is also designed to focus on a particular aspect of a building or building system.

The certificate program includes 8 course modules of theory and hands-on work experience on preserving heritage building structures. It is competency based and will incorporate online discussions, classroom instruction, and field experience. Written test is given at the end of each course module and upon completion of the 8 course modules, a comprehensive examination is given to obtain the certificate.

Those who will successfully complete the certificate program can also earn 3 units of elective subject in the Master of Science in Architecture or Graduate Diploma in Cultural Heritage Studies program of the UST Graduate School.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

• Be knowledgeable on the standards and guidelines applicable to the conservation of historic places and structures;
• Learn and apply the principles and practices in performing interventions on the conservation of each component of heritage building structures; and
• Acquire the training and competency to become a specialist in heritage building conservation.

Program Curriculum & Schedule:
The schedule of the sessions is every Saturday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. The entire certificate program will be 10 sessions or days/ weeks.

Course Module 1 – Fundamentals of Heritage Building
January 15, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge and skills in using standards and guidelines in heritage conservation, using basic principles and practices in building conservation, inspecting, recording, and maintaining accurate records, monitoring and assessing heritage assets, developing basic maintenance plans, and implementing capital and maintenance plans.

Course Module 2 – Introduction to Building Materials,
Tools, and Equipment
January 22, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge and skills in determining the resources required for a project, understanding building materials, identifying deterioration processes & interventions, using tools & equipment, and undertaking projects safely.

Course Module 3 – Building Systems & Approaches
January 29, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge and skills in understanding of how to analyze building systems, investigating, documenting, and assessing of heritage buildings, and determining priorities and approaches for the conservation of buildings using the principles and practices of heritage conservation.

Course Module 4 – Performing Structural Interventions
February 5, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge on the structural theories on foundations, floor systems, wall systems, insulation and air/ vapor barriers, and roof systems.

Course Module 5 – Performing Exterior Architectural
February 12, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge on the architectural theories on wall finishes, siding, doors and windows, stairs, landings, guards, and handrails.

Course Module 6 - Performing Interior Architectural
February 19, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge on the architectural theories on interior finishes such as paint, wall coverings including wood finishes, wallpaper, ornamental finishes, doors and hardware, stairs, landings, and balustrades, ceiling finishes, tiles, and flooring.

Course Module 7 – Performing Miscellaneous Site
February 26, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with knowledge and skills on other construction tasks such as repair or replacement of boardwalks, ancillary buildings and structures, fences and gates, site grading, and landscaping that may be performed as part of a project.

Course Module 8 – Performing Interventions to Building
March 5, 2011

This is an 8-hour course that will provide the learner with practical assessments and minor repairs of heating, electrical, plumbing, fire suppression components, and other services that may be required to meet building code requirements.

Certification Review & Mock Examination
March 12, 2011

Final Comprehensive Examination
March 19, 2011

To measure the participant’s understanding of the subjects being discussed, the Program requires participants to take and successfully pass the 1-hour examinations of the course modules. The passing rate for the End-of-Course Examination is 75% while the Final Comprehensive Exam is 70%.

Target Participants:

• Architects
• Graduate Students in Architecture
• Contractors, Framers, Renovators, and Restoration Workers and others who want to enhance their skills in the art of heritage preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of heritage buildings and sites
Registration Fee & Reservation:

For the attendance to the entire certificate program, the early bird rate of PhP20,000.00 per participant for those who will reserve and pay on or before December 17, 2010. Regular rate of PhP22,000.00 after the early bird period shall be applied. This is inclusive of certificate of attendance, seminar kit and 2GB USB, and meals.

It can be made by depositing P5,000.00 as course reservation fee at any BPI branch to UST Savings Bank Account No. 0151-0000-45. Please fax a copy of deposit slip together with the accomplished reservation form through Fax no. (632) 731-5396 or email at ccped@mnl.ust.edu.ph, before the seminar date. You may pay the remaining balance through check payable to the University of Santo Tomas or in cash on the day of the seminar at the registration.

Cancellation fee of PhP5,000 will be charged for those participants who cancel their reservation one week before the certificate program date.

For further information contact the following:

Center for Continuing Professional Education & Development

University of Santo Tomas Graduate School Thomas Aquinas Research Complex,
España Blvd., Manila, Philippines 1015

Telephone No. (+632) 406-1611 local 4030
Telefax No. (+632) 731-5396
Cellphone No. 0917-824-1334
Email: drjacob@mnl.ust.edu.ph


The Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development launches a competition for the design of a Centre for the Promotion of Science in one of the districts of New Belgrade.

This international, single stage, project competition, is organised with the Association of Architects of Serbia and that of the Architects of Belgrade. In conformity with the UIA UNESCO regulations, it has been approved by the International Union of Architects.

The subject of the competition is the design of the Centre, a complex incorporating all the main functions for exhbitions, conferences and a planetarium. Located on a site of 11, 66 ha, it will be constructed on an area of 20 915 m2. Competitors are required also to make proposals for the planning of the entire site as a science park, that will become part of the Belgrade High tech Centre, university, scientific and commercial district.

The international jury is composed of Bozidar Delic, Minister of Science and Technology, or his representative Darko Djukic; Dejan Vasovic, Belgrade town architect; Jovan Mitrovic,President of the Association of Architects of Serbia; Roberto Simon, architect, Brazil, UIA representative; Ms Dorte Mandrup, architect, Denmark; Gunter Katherl, architect, Austria; Ms Ourania Kloutsinioti, architect, Greece. Deputy jurors: Nicholas De Monchaux, architect, USA (for UIA) and Miodrag Korac, Serbia,

1st prize 60 000 euros; 2nd prize 20 000 euros; 3rd prize 10 000 euros; two honourable mentions of 5 000 euros each.

Deadline for reception of registrations: 21 Octobre 2010
Deadline for reception of entries by organisers: 1st Decembre 2010
Jury meeting: 13-16 December 2010

All architects having the right to practice in their countries can participate in the competition.
The competition language is English. The non re-imboursable registration fee of 200 euros is payable to the following account:
Account number: 205007010039485382
Beneficiary: Bank SWIFT: KOBBRSBG, Komercijalna banka ad Beograd
Bank address: KOBBRSBG, Komercijalna banka ad Beograd

Registration will be made to the Association of Architects of Belgrade
Tel: + 381 11 3230 059 - Fax: + 381 11 3239 754 - e-mail: sas-dab@eunet.rs
Consult the competition programme and regulations