The Diliman Chapter Spearheads Launch of the UAP “Fitness Nights Series” : Social Dancing

Thursday, November 11, 2010

After the “Hip Hop Abs” and Yoga Sessions, UAP launches the third of the “Fitness Nights Series”, Social Dancing. On November 3, 2010, the UAP Headquarters Bulwagan Mayor was turned into a Ballroom, with Dance Instructor Ryan patiently teaching the basic steps of “Swing”. The Dilimaners (Markel Luna-President, Albert Rosel-CPE Director, and Minnie Rosel-Committee Head of UAP General Welfare) took on the challenge, and that’s exactly what it was: a challenge! This Series will be held on all Wednesdays of November 2010 at the UAP Headquarters, where more dance styles will be introduced.

Exercise can be fun, too, and more participants are expected to attend (in their dancing shoes).


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