Friday, November 12, 2010

Pursuant to the commitment towards continuing professional development, the Office of the National Executive Vice President through the Commission on Professional Development will be holding a two and a half day “SUSTAINABLE TOILET DESIGNS” CPE Seminar on November 25-27, 2010 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at University of Mindanao Auditorium, Matina, Davao City.

This seminar is part of the UAP CPE program for Filipino Architects as tasked by the Professional Regulation Commission in ensuring the continuous education of a registered professional with the latest trends in the profession brought about by modernization, scientific and technological advancement; raise and maintain the professional’s capability for delivering professional services; attain and maintain the highest standards and quality in the practice of the architecture profession; comply with the professional’s continuing ethical standard requirements; and make the Filipino architects globally competitive.

Specifically, the Seminar intends to familiarize the participants with the intricate details of toilet designs, ie: laws affecting toilet designs, standards of toilet design, socio-cultural implications on toilet designs, scientific and medical consideration, ergonomics of toilet fixtures, air and water quality of toilets, sustainability and green design of toilets, and more importantly, the holistic and comprehensive planning and design of private and public toilets that are oriented towards user comfort, sustainability, and accessibility.

All officers and members of the UAP Area D are enjoined to attend the seminar as part of the compliance with the Mandatory CPE requirements as a pre-requisite to be a member in good standing of the IAPOA.

Registration Fee is P1,500.00 inclusive of the snack, lunch, and seminar certificate and kit. Kindly confirm your attendance to VP for Area D, Arch. Jemma Sarrol Semana or District Director for D-1, Arch. Ramonito Octaviano.


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