Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The International Union of Architects announces the launch of the WAN AWARDS session devoted to residential buildings. This sector includes two categories: multi-occupancy housing and single family houses.

The 2010 WAN residential award honours appartment blocks, housing estates and other multi-occupancy units, refurbishments and conversions, completed during the last three years (on or after 1st January 2007). The 2010 House of the Year will be awarded for a single-family house completed during this calendar year.

The deadline for submission is 31 December 2010.

Olufemi Majekodunmi, UIA Past President, will represent the Union on the jury for this session of the awards.

Via UIA a reduction de 20% on the registration fee is offered to new participants in this Award by using the following code at the time of registration


This is the last of the 6 bi-monthly 2010 ‘Excellence in Design’ series. Each session of this Awards programme is devoted to a different sector: education, healthcare, civic, commercial and residential buildings.

The WAN AWARDS are organised by World Architecture News, the on-line international architecture review, UIA media partner.


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