National Architecture Week 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

December of every year, Architects all over the Philippines celebrate the National Architecture Week (NAW). This year, NAW on its 39th year, will be celebrated from December 5 through December 11, 2010 with the theme, “POP ARCH: REINVENTING ARCHITECTURE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION”. The year’s theme came to be in recognition of how the profession is evolving through time, how architects reinvent and diversify, and sought related avenues to express their creativity and dynamism without completely deviating from the profession. Thus the term, “Popular Architecture” or simply, “Pop Arch”.


DAY 0 : 9PM – Onwards
December 4
Ingress of Exhibits, APEC Architects’ Exhibit
SM City North EDSA, The Block

DAY 1 NAW 39 Fun Run (Takbuhan NAW 39)
December 5
5:00 AM – 5:30 AM On-Site Registration
5:30 AM – 7:30 AM Fun Run to start from UAP Headquarters
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast
Registration of Cosplay Participants
UP Ampitheater

NAW 39 Opening Ceremonies, UP Ampitheater
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Holy Mass
9:30 AM –10:30 AM Welcome Remarks and Official Opening Address
10:30 AM-11:00 AM Motorcade from UP to SM City

Launching of NAW 39 Program
Simultaneous Opening of Exhibits & Ribbon Cutting Events
for District/Chapter Mall-based Exhibitions
Nationwide Streamer Displays, to be pre-coordinated with respective
LGUs by Local Chapters (Proclamation no. 934)

11:00 AM -11:30 AM Start of Costume Parade
by UAPSA/UAPGA Participants
SM City Annex to SM City The Block
11:30 AM -12:00 AM Opening & Ribbon Cutting of APEC Architects’ Exhibits to be attended by UAP National Officers

DAY 2 :
December 6
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM Chapter/District’s participation in their respective LGU’s Flag Ceremonies
8:30 AM –11:30 AM Simultaneous Opening of Exhibits & Ribbon Cutting Events
for City/Municipal Hall/Provincial Capitol based Exhibits

DAY 3 :
December 7
Turn-over of UAP National’s Project (Takobets)
PDC Seminar, UAP Headquarters, schedule to be confirmed

DAY 4 :
December 8
Opening of Architect-Painters’ Exhibits
UAP Headquarters
Exhibits of Entries & Preliminary Judging: Design Against The Elements (DATE)
Amoranto Stadium (tentative)

DAY 5 :
December 9
Balangkasan – Green Architecture
to be hosted by District A-3 c/o DD Alfred Carandang

DAY 6 :
December 10
(Tour) Public Building Assessments on Accessibility Law

Simultaneous Closing Ceremonies (for City/Municipal/Province Capitol based Exhibits)
Chapter Courtesy Call & Presentation of Tokens to respective LGUs

DAY 7 :
December 11
NAW 39 Closing Ceremonies
Awarding of Best Costume, COSPLAY
SM City The Block
Closing Ceremonies
Thanksgiving Mass

Culmination Night
Boodlefight / Street Party / Fireworks Display


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