Mass Blood Donation

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Greetings! In preparation for the upcoming National Architecture Week on Dec. 6 - 11, 2010. I would like to invite you to our chapter activity, a charity work - Mass Blood Donation at the Philippine National Red Cross, Main Branch, Port Area, Manila starting at 9:00 A.M. till 12:00 Noon. The banner's location is the original venue, but since Philippine National Red Cross requires at least 50 blood donors in order for them to provide mobile clinics, we are short of the numbers. So we will hold the venue at the their office, we will provide food and beverages to all attendees. I hope to see you there on Saturday at 9:00 A.M. till 12:00 Noon. Thanks and best regards.

Arch. Dennis Elizalde
UAP Manila Intramuros Chapter

ps: Notes on blood donors below, please read for your guidance.

The Philippine Red Cross – Mass Blood Donation Activity

The Philippine National Red Cross is a humanitarian organization, which provides services to uplift the lives of the underprivileged. One of its basic services is the Blood Services, which works on providing the country with an adequate and safer blood supply from volunteer, non-remunerated blood donors.

Advantages of Voluntary Blood Donation

1. Safer and better quality of blood supply. Regular donation from volunteer will help ensure adequacy of blood supply.

Benefit to the blood donor

1. Blood donation stimulates production of new cells, similar to the principles of “change oil mechanism“.

2. Personal health check. You will know your blood type and hemoglobin.

3. Blood donation boosts personal self-worth

Qualifications of a Blood Donor

1. Age - 18 – 59 years old (60 – 65, for regular donor)

- 16 – 17 years old must have parent’s consent

2. Weight - at least 110 lbs (approximately 50 kg)

3. Blood Pressure - between 90 – 140 mmHg (systolic)

- between 60 – 100 mmHg (diastolic)

4. Pulse Rate - 50 – 100 beats per minute

5. Body Temperature - must not exceed 37 degrees Centigrade

6. Hemoglobin - 125 g/L (12.5 g/dL) or not anemic

Before the actual blood donation

Red Cross can provide leaflets and posters for information dissemination and promotion of the mass blood donation activity. The organizer of the activity (blood donation coordinator) undertakes the promotion and dissemination of the information to generate support and participation among its members. We can also send our Blood Service Representative to help you discuss the advantages and benefits of blood donation.

Logistics and Staff

v A team, approximately 6 to 8 Red Cross staff will conduct the mass blood donation activity for a minimum of 50 prospective donors.

v A pledge can be provided to help you assess the number of prospective donors, you may fax or mail to us the list of prospective donors before the activity.

v The number of prospective donor is set to contribute to the success of the activity and it must not coincide with other activities such as medical missions and other trainings.

v Red Cross will bring the logistics needed, i.e. cotbeds, linens, etc., as well as fruit juice necessary for volume replacement for the donors.

v We will just need a well-lighted, well-ventilated place that is accessible to the donors with the floor area of 5 x 5 square meters and tables and chairs for registration.

v We also have a blood mobile bus which can accommodate 5 blood donors and can be stationed in your area. (Generator operated).

v Confirm the blood donation date and final number of prospective donors and update the Red Cross blood service representative on any changes to the original, confirmed plans.

Preparation before donating blood

1. Have enough rest and sleep.
2. No alcohol intake 24 hours prior to blood donation.
3. No medications for at least 24 hours prior to blood donation.
4. Have something to eat prior to blood donation, avoid fatty foods.
5. Drink plenty of fluid like water or juice.

Steps in donating blood

1. Have your weight taken.
2. Register honestly and completely the donor registration form.
3. Have your blood type and hemoglobin checked.
4. A physician will examine the blood donor.
5. Actual donation. The amount of blood to be donated will depend on the donor’s weight and blood pressure. Either 350cc or 450cc and would usually take 10 minutes or less.
6. A 5 to 10 minute rest and plenty of fluid intake is necessary after donation.

What to do after blood donation

1. Drink plenty of fluids like water or juice.
2. Refrain from stooping down after blood donation.
3. Refrain from strenuous activities like:
a. Lifting heavy objects
b. Driving big vehicles such as bus, trucks, etc.
c. Operating big machines
4. Avoid using the punctured arm in lifting heavy objects.
5. Apply pressure on the punctured site and lift the arm in case the site is still bleeding.
6. If there is discoloration and swelling on the punctured site, you may apply cold compress for 24 hours and then hot compress for the next 24 hours.
7. If there is dizziness, just lie down feet elevated. Drink plenty of juice, in just a few minutes or so it will pass.

Frequently asked questions on Blood Donation

1. Will donating blood make me weak?

No, it will not make you weak. Donating 450cc will not cause any ill effects or weakness. The human body has the capacity to compensate for whatever amount of blood you have donated because when a person donates blood, the bone marrow is stimulated to produce new blood cells which in turn makes the blood forming organs function more effectively.

2. How often can a person donate?

A healthy individual may donate every three months.

3. Can a person who has tattoo still donate blood?

If the tattooing procedure is done a year ago, he/she may donate. This is also the same with ear piercing, acupuncture, and other procedures involving needles. A one year deferral is also applied to those who just had tooth extraction and those who just came from other countries.

4. How long will it take to donate blood?

The whole process of donating blood from the registration up to the time you rest will only take an average of 30 minutes.

The blood extraction will take about 5-8 minutes and the volume will be replenished within 24 hours and the cells within weeks, so that by the end of the month, the body will have the same amount of blood before the blood donation.

5. Will I contract disease through blood donation?

No, we use sterile, disposable needles and syringes.

Blood Donors Card

Each blood donors will be given BLOOD DONORS CARD. This card can be used when the owner or any member of his family and friends needs blood. He will be given priority depending on stocks/availability when he presents this card to any Red Cross Blood Service Facilities nationwide together with the blood request from the hospital. However, this card does not exempt the holder from paying the processing fee. This is intended to cover the cost of the reagents used to screen all donated blood for infectious disease.

Donor Counseling

In case a donor is found to be reactive to any of the 5 infectious diseases namely HIV, Malaria, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. He or she will receive a letter and will be asked to attend a seminar or counseling session conducted by a medical officer at the National Blood Center. The content of the session includes discussion on the disease, its course and mode of transmission, its cure and prevention.

How to avail blood from PNRC?

1. Kindly get a blood request form from the hospital where the patient is confined which contains the following details:
- Full name of the patient
- Age, Sex, Status
- Blood type, Rh group
- Blood Component
- Amount/unit needed
- Diagnosis/Indication for transfusion
- Printed name with signature of the attending physician

2. Bring the blood request form to the nearest Red Cross Blood Center.

3. For PNRC blood donor’s card holder – priority to Red Cross in case blood needs.

4. Blood processing fee – payment for the processing of blood to ensure safety of the patient.

5. Immediately bring the blood dispensed at Red Cross to the blood bank of the hospital.


1. Registration Area
2. Physical Examination
3. Extraction Area
4. Refreshment area
5. Technician


arkipinoy said...

Hello! I saw your blog about a blood donation drive, and I hope you don't mind having a stranger write to you for help. This is a desperate call for blood donors, an effort to find alternative ways to get a type O. My friend's dad needs to undergo chemotherapy for prostate cancer stage 3. But since his count is too low, we need to infuse him first. So I was wondering if you would be willing to help by posting this plea on your website...

Thank you so much!!!


HP: 0915-5883285

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