The UAP Diliman Chapter: Driving Force Behind UAP’s General Welfare Committee

Thursday, November 11, 2010

On November 5, 2010, at the UAP Headquarters in Quezon City, The UAP General Welfare Committee, in its first Meeting, was formed. The Diliman Chapter proudly and willingly lent its hand in solidifying this Group, in which six of its members (Minnie Rosel, Albert Rosel, Markel Luna, Becca Rellosa, Mike Yago, & Nap Ibañez) and Elwin Buenaventura of the Makati Chapter completed the seven-man team.

Having the function of creating guidelines and recommendations for UAP Members’ betterment and welfare, the Committee immediately initialized plans of coming up with a handbook that would explain and expound on the benefits of being a Member of the United Architects of the Philippines.

To “take care” of the General Membership is a gargantuan task, but this group will take on the challenge to make the “UAP Experience” a pleasant one.


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